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The books that will be published in The Wizards' War series are complete and contain all the important and essential information for the story. However, to allow readers to immerse themselves in the worlds of Anahkólion, Anathurilis, Ernathurilis, Ernthys, Dnathirium, and Ernt-nador, and delve deeper into all the subjects, we provide the area of Maps and Worlds. In this area, you will find information about these worlds and their kingdoms and lineages, allowing you to gain greater knowledge about the worlds of TWW and their histories.


The First World, known as Anahkólion, was the place where the gods of Naumathar, also known as the gods of Anahkólion, were created. After that, the realm of the gods was established in a place called Mount Naumathar. In this same world, long after the gods banished the monsters and creatures that emerged from the Laienürimim, the Black Portals, the First Lineages of Men were created, followed by the great kingdoms. Anahkólion is divided among the First, Second, and Third Lineages, totaling twenty lineages. In Anahkólion, kingdoms and their vassals were established, along with trade and commerce. Anahkólion prospered in wealth and its population multiplied. Until the day a young boy fell in love with the daughter of King Naöhrad. From that moment, the ruin of Anahkólion began to be written.

The Wizards' War
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Anathurilis is the world that has been less explored by men than any other. Located west of Anahkólion, Anathurilis began to be populated between the First and Second Era of Anahkólion by the descendants of kingdoms like Vortox, Urhul, Oruthur, Pólorh, among others. What the descendants of these kingdoms didn't know was that there was already a great kingdom established to the northwest. And the entire Anathurilis belonged to its lord. Over time, three of these descendants attempted to establish their castles near this kingdom where the sunlight couldn't penetrate. They all disappeared. This kingdom came to be called the Kingdom of Darkness. Its lord had many names, but the one that marked and was recorded in the Annals of Anahkólion and the Book of All Times was just one: the Lord of Darkness.

The Wizards' War
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Considered as the New World, Ernthys was founded long after the creation of Anahkólion, by one of the heirs of the First Lineage of Naöhrad, the great king of the First World. Populated by descendants from Anahkólion, Anathurilis, and Ernathurilis, after a significant population exodus from the other worlds, Ernthys lived in peace for a long time. But evil doesn't sleep forever. Then, one day, night fell earlier, and war eventually broke out. To avoid revealing details that are important to the worlds of Ernt-nador and Anahkólion, the content about this world will be further explored at the opportune moment in the story.

The Wizards' War


Ernt-nador is considered the sixth among the worlds colonized by the First Lineages of Anahkólion. However, this statement is not entirely accurate. It is not possible to determine with certainty when the colonization of Ernt-nador began, even before it received its name or was referred to by some realms as the Known World. It is unknown if it was during the fifth or sixth Era of Anahkólion. Perhaps, and indications suggest it may have been much earlier, between the Second and Third Era. It is known, however, that realms from Anahkólion, Anathurilis, and Ernathurilis established themselves in Ernt-nador long before time started being counted there. Moreover, the cycle count in Anahkólion, which consisted of approximately nineteen months, did not align with the cycles in Ernt-nador, which were about fourteen months long. The duration of winter in the former was twice as long as in the latter, and the overall lengths were not synchronized. What is known is that Ernt-nador was a world colonized by descendants of the lineages and holds secrets that will be unveiled from the final year of the Time of Wizards.

The Wizards' War
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