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Before the world was inhabited by the gods and all creatures were created, the Primordial Power already existed. Naumathar had created the Six Worlds - Anahkólion, Anathurilis, Ernathurilis, Ernthys, Dnathirium, and Ernt-nador - with the Primordial Power. However, Naumathar was not the only source of Primordial Power in the world: there was Omnathar. And Omnathar became completely the opposite of Naumathar. Driven by a feeling he couldn't explain but that was filled with hatred, envy, jealousy, and everything that is harmful to be felt, Omnathar began to ruin the work that Naumathar was so proud of. But that wasn't enough. Simply destroying Naumathar's work did not satisfy Omnathar. Thus, he started creating and modifying creatures throughout the Eras. And without knowing exactly what he was creating or transforming, Omnathar granted powers to witches and warlocks, sorceresses and sorcerers, who, with a portion of the Primordial Power of Darkness, would travel through the worlds with their immortal lives, always being drawn to places where other Primordial Powers derived from the flaws in Naumathar's creation flowed. Just as the Primordial Power of good had been bestowed upon the wizard Yondar, other beings were blessed with the Primordial Power of evil.



The Kingdom of Shadows Sorcerers was not actually a kingdom that was built, but rather a kingdom that was taken. Before the official existence of the Order of Wizards, at the end of the Time of Kings, there already existed the kingdom of Zumur, ruled by King Zerhphyr, a descendant of the Juhl and Dailorhor bloodlines, created respectively by the goddess Therbás and the god Ankaendhar. Zerhphyr, the last king of Zumur, peacefully ruled over his small kingdom, located in the North of Ernt-nador. He maintained good trade relations with Ashin, Anuiönder, and Dorhan, as well as with other small kingdoms and citadels such as Mish, Zolum, and Zamar. Then, without his knowledge, the Time of Shadows arrived and covered the world in darkness.

The Wizards' War


King Zerhphyr had a personal advisor named Natdhor, a man of somber and peculiar habits, who resided in the Temple of Zurh with his followers and servants. Zerhphyr had no complaints about his advisor Natdhor, who would always leave the Temple of Zurh, located within the domains of the kingdom but in a more secluded area, to provide his counsel whenever needed. However, when darkness covered the world and the king was informed that the Time of Kings had ended, giving way to the Time of Shadows, Natdhor's behavior changed. He no longer promptly attended to the king's summons. On some occasions, the advisor not only failed to appear on the designated day but also took days to respond to the requests. One day, when the king's summons went unanswered, King Zerhphyr grew frustrated and, accompanied by his Royal Guard, made his way to the Temple of Zurh. At the gates of the temple, the king was asked to enter alone as weapons were not allowed within the sacred grounds. The king reluctantly accepted the terms imposed by the sacred temple but did not enter alone. His right-hand commander, Dirhus, accompanied him. When the king and his commander left the Temple of Zurh, they were no longer the same. There was something in their eyes that deprived them of joy and the pleasure of being alive. Before the midpoint of the Time of Shadows, the entire population of Zumur vanished completely, giving rise to what would be known as "The Realm of Shadows Sorcerers."

Templo de Zurh


The Wizards' War



The Wizards' War

Although he may not remember and may never have discovered it, Êurhudur was born long before the Time of Goddesses, specifically at the end of the Time of Shadows, when Ernt-nador was entering the winter solstice and darkness still dominated the land. During that time, a mysterious figure invaded a castle and abducted the firstborn child of a great king. The baby, who slept in a wooden crib beside its mother, was born at a specific time that hadn't occurred in many Ages. But Êurhudur, who had another name at the time, had something special: he was a descendant of the descendants of the First Lineage of Naöhrad. Although the lineage had already become diluted, there was divine blood flowing through his veins. Êurhudur was secretly taken to a location and remained asleep for over a thousand years. In the middle of the Age of Dragons, a family from the North of Ernt-nador was blessed with the arrival of a beautiful newborn child. As a young person, Êurhudur realized that he was different from others. Driven by an immense ambition for power and a desire to explore the unknown and the power granted by the gods to the wizards, he attempted to join the Supreme Order of Wizards under Yondar, but his request was promptly denied by the Master of Wizards. Following the path of Zumur, he allied himself with Pakindor, Master of the Shadow Sorcerers. Êurhudur studied the hidden powers of darkness and became the greatest and most powerful Master of the Shadow Sorcerers. With great power, although not greater than that of the Order of Wizards, Êurhudur seeks to possess a force that would allow him to control creatures of darkness in order to annihilate the Order of Wizards. Starting a complex and difficult path, he begins by freeing one of the oldest demons existing in the worlds.


The Wizards' War

One of Natdhor's earliest disciples, Pakindor, showcased his worth shortly after joining the Temple of Zurh, before many things occurred in the World of Ernt-nador. Master Natdhor almost immediately recognized that Pakindor was different from the rest and took him under his wing as his personal servant. Pakindor's ascent was swift, and in less than twenty lunar years, he surpassed everyone else in the Temple of Zurh. Then came the Time of Shadows, and darkness engulfed the world. Pakindor was fascinated by everything that was happening. However, he wasn't the only one who entered a state of ecstasy. In the first days of absolute darkness, Natdhor completely changed his behavior. That was the moment when Pakindor took the opportunity to delve into the hidden knowledge and study the shadows. Soon, stories of a Lord of Shadows brought to Ernt-nador by a powerful wizard known as the Dark Wizard circulated throughout the world. Reports of the Black Army advancing through Ernt-nador reached Zumur. For Pakindor, that was the moment to grow even further. And that was precisely what Natdhor was secretly doing as well—forming secret alliances. Pakindor discovered that Natdhor was in constant communication with someone through a means that took some time to uncover. It was then that the Master established the Order of the Dark Wizards, a name derived from the very moment they were living in: the Time of Shadows. The blow to the king and Zumur came next.

Shortly after, Natdhor left the Temple of Zurh and made his way to the Citadel. When Pakindor visited there days later, the entire population had mysteriously vanished. There was no sign of any person, living or dead. Strangely enough, there was not even a trace left behind. This was yet another mystery that Natdhor kept secret. A few days later, Natdhor disappeared from Zumur and was never seen again. Pakindor felt his absence, but the void left behind was the moment of Pakindor's rise as the new Master of the Shadow Sorcerers. Unbeknownst to him, Pakindor would become a great sorcerer and change the destiny of Ernt-nador when he unleashed the Kathand-Thândnath, the Great Black Dragons. It was during this period that he encountered Êurhudur, who would eventually become the greatest of all the Shadow Sorcerers.

The Wizards' War


The Wizards' War

From a young age, Natdhor understood that he was different from the others. He felt a force flowing within him. There was a calling that never ceased and tormented him day and night. Early on, he was selected to work with the advisor to the king of Zumur, and through this, he gained favor with the king. He was chosen for a unique detail: Natdhor slept less than two hours a day, and this made a significant difference to the old advisor who delegated more work to the young man. However, what the old advisor did not imagine was that before the second summer, he would fall gravely ill and depart from this world. This fact was meticulously planned and executed by Natdhor, who already had the king's complete trust. Through his proximity to the king, he soon convinced him to build the Temple of Zurh. The Temple, however, was constructed in a specific location that a voice commanded him. One night, while standing atop the Temple of Zurh, a large bird descended onto the parapet before him. A message was tied to the creature's leg. The message was brief and to the point. Soon after, the bird, resembling ancient falcons, transformed into a fearsome and horrifying winged creature, yet strangely, Natdhor found it beautiful and intriguing. The bird answered to a peculiar name that he would never forget. Shortly thereafter, he requested a few days from the king to attend to matters of the kingdom's interest. He left Zumur on a short journey. Upon his return, Natdhor was different. He had discovered his true purpose in the world. He only needed to carefully follow the steps provided, which he did. Until the Time of Shadows arrived, and mysteriously, Natdhor, the Master of the Shadows' Wizards, disappeared.



There are not many records about the Wizard-witches of Naraishm; it is uncertain when they appeared or where they came from. It is speculated that they came from the unknown lands east of the Ernt-nador border, from a place located far beyond Aquinaim. Others claimed they must have come from the Desolate Lands, situated in the northeast of Ernt-nador. However, the information we have derives from the writings of Arlor, an ancient and scholarly Wol-k who lived in the Citadel of Khleb-Athûm at the time of the arrival of the three brothers via the Gulf of Gaff. According to the writings, which were later archived in the High Hall of Knowledge in the Tower of Yondar, three brothers settled somewhere in the depths of the Naraishm Mountains. When they needed supplies, the brothers would purchase them in the Citadel of Khleb-Athûm. This caused discomfort and consternation among the local people due to the differences in customs and the peculiar attire and behavior of the outsiders. Much later, caravans and travelers passing near the Naraishm Mountains started to disappear entirely. A group from the Citadel of Khleb-Athûm set out for the mountains to find out what was happening in that area. The search was actually intended to find the three brothers and banish them from the place. However, after delving into the depths of Naraishm, they discovered that there were no longer three brothers, but only one who had consumed an unknown power. Only one member of the citadel group survived and returned to Khleb-Athûm. The sickly-looking man kept repeating the same words: Fôrthun-Komôrm.



The Wizards' War

The story of Fôrthun-Komôrm is a mystery that only one living being knows the answer to: Thuyrôl, the disciple who ended up becoming a Naraishm Master. What is known, however, is that Fôrthun-Komôrm, along with two brothers, delved into the depths of Naraishm. There, in the confines of those mountains, the three brothers came into contact with an incredible source of power that ended up causing a transformation in each of them. Not wishing to share the discovered power, Fôrthun-Komôrm killed his brothers in a power struggle. Since then, little has been seen or known of Fôrthun-Komôrm. However, his visits to the Citadel of Khleb-Athûm ended up causing problems with the people of the place. There was a non-acceptance expressed by his person. Fôrthun-Komôrm decided to stop going to the citadel. His provisions began to be sought in the caravans that passed through the Naraishm Mountains. The people of the Citadel of Khleb-Athûm began to call them Naraishm Witch-Sorcerers. And he became known as Fôrthun-Komôrm.

The Wizards' War


The Wizards' War

One of the greatest mysteries that haunts Ernt-nador is called Thuyrôl, who emerged between the First and First Era of Ernt-nador. It is not known exactly when he appeared, as there are no records of his deeds anywhere, but one fact is undeniable: he was considered the last of the Naraishm Wizard-witches. At least that is how he was recorded by the Supreme Order of Wizards of Yondar. Although there are no reliable records regarding his appearance and disappearance, as he was never found, the Wizards know that the name Thuyrôl was associated with Fôrthun-Komôrm and the Dark Wizard, although it is uncertain who he had contact with first. The Order of Wizards suspects that it was first with Fôrthun-Komôrm. His identity is a mystery, just like his appearance. No wizard or man has ever seen him to describe his image. Thuyrôl was once seen casting a spell in the Citadel of Khleb-Athûm. Unfortunately, the witnesses lost their speech and were never able to communicate. Thuyrôl has never been seen again.


The Warlocks of Unlkar are perhaps the oldest beings with powers to have set foot in Ernt-nador. There are no records of their origin or the time they were discovered or interacted with the realm of men. It is only known that they roamed the world at the same time when the Narfanian Witches terrorized Anathurilis, long before they lost one of their eyes. Therefore, we can consider that the Warlocks of Unlkar did indeed appear during the Time of Chaos, although they had already been present in Ernt-nador.

The Wizards' War


The Wizards' War



The Botheris Witches, also commonly known as the Witches of Botheris among men, represented a great evil in Ernt-nador. They were four powerful witches: Rysham, Neurinah, Wantaga, and Hakas. The Botheris Witches emerged during the Time of the Wiozards, yet their origin remains unknown to the Supreme Order of Wizards of Yondar. There were suspicions that they had a connection to the Witch Kendhar, but this suspicion was never confirmed. Among the four witches, Hakas is the most perverse, terrible, and powerful, and she harbors the greatest hatred towards the Order of Wizards. The reasons behind this hatred and repulsion have remained inexplicable to both Yondar and Tauran’z. However, this vile sentiment has been perceived in the clashes that have occurred and in the accounts of survivors. Everything, though, will be revealed.



Hakas is seemingly the youngest among the four Botheris Witches, or simply Botheris. The exact time of when the four witches emerged is unknown, as each of them appeared in a different location within the Known World, or Ernt-nador, as the descendants of the Anahkólion lineages used to call it. Their origins and places of residence remain a mystery, but it is known that their deeds began to be recognized around the year 970 of the Age of the Wizards, according to the Ernt-nador Calendar. Hakas started making a name for herself in small kingdoms and citadels scattered across the North of Ernt-nador. One of the most well-known cases was that of Princess Mishala from the small kingdom of Mish. What Yondar found most peculiar is that whenever they were close to finding Hakas, she would vanish. Three clashes occurred between Hakas and the wizards, but the witch was always prepared and one step ahead of them, managing to escape every time, unlike her two sisters of the Order. After the year 1600 of the Age of the Wizards, Hakas disappeared from Ernt-nador, never to be seen or have her deeds identified again. She remained that way for a long time until, in the last year of the Age of the Wizards, evil awakened.


The Wizards' War

Wantaga was the second most powerful among the four members of the Botheris Witches. The first position was held by Hakas, who was by far the cruelest and most powerful of them all. Like the others, Wantaga harbored a fierce hatred for the wizards of the Supreme Order of Yondar. After Rysham was killed in an act of Nistharnur and Neurinah threw herself off the Cliffs of Lurhumur, the Order of Wizards made efforts to find Hakas and Wantaga. Unfortunately, neither of the two witches was found. Wantaga was a woman with dark skin, a slender body, and long curly black hair. She had a strong personality and an unlimited cruelty. After much searching and finding nothing, the wizards gave up their pursuit. No further deeds were known or notorious about the Botheris Witches. To the mages and the kingdoms that feared them, it was believed that the Botheris Witches had either died or left Ernt-nador. But in the year 1974 of the Age of the Wizards, the truth would come to light. An unexpected battle was about to unfold. After all, Wantaga had waited in the shadows of darkness for far too long.

Information about the witches Wantaga, Rysham, and Neurinah will be published here.




The origin of the Narfanias Witches is a very ancient mystery. It is not known exactly when they appeared in the world. However, it is known that Aralha, Unsafa, and Sagnarga are as old as the existence of mankind. Their first appearance was in Anathurilis and is related to the Kórsk, the demons from the depths that plagued some of the kingdoms established there. Yondar, the First Wizard, suspects that their origin is connected to the divine power of the gods, as no means has been found to eradicate the existence of the Narfanias Witches. In Ernt-nador, after being brought from the far reaches of the world, they became known as the Narfanias Witches with a Single Eye. The story of the origin of the Narfanias Witches will be presented in "The Lord of Darkness - The Origin of Evil.

Information about the witches Aralha, Unsafa, and Sagnarga will be published here.



The story of the Witch of Kendhar is related to one of the greatest secrets kept since the First Era of Anahkólion. It is a tale of love and hatred, of joy and sorrow, of deep pain and silent selfishness that spawned unparalleled wickedness in the world. The event that gave rise to the greatest problem to be faced since the creation of mankind. A secret locked away in a prison situated in a forbidden place. But secrets are not kept for eternity, for infinite time is but a grain of sand in the Desert of Kendhar. The mystery will be unveiled. A kingdom will be destroyed. The revenge of the Witch of Kendhar will come for all. The story of the Witch of Kendhar will initially be told in "The Lord of Darkness - The Origin of Evil," available later this year on The Wizards' War platform.

The Wizards' War
The Wizards' War
The Wizards' War



The Order of the Dark Wizards has a brief presence in the records of Ernt-nador. However, for Yondar, there is something yet to be discovered. The order dates back to a dark period that engulfed Anahkólion, Anathurilis, and Ernathurilis, but remains hidden in the Annals of History. Some historical events throughout the ages have left consequences, although the authors were never mentioned. This has always puzzled the Master of the Wizards. Over time, still in Ernathurilis, before the Age of Darkness, Yondar became aware that another force was working for evil, later known as the Order of the Dark Wizards.


The Wizards' War

Despite being aware that Marhum, the Dark Wizard, emerged in Wol-kunt shortly before the Time of Shadows, which he himself created, Yondar is certain that Marhum comes from a different place and other Eras. One of the greatest adversaries of the Order of Wizards of Yondar did not simply appear out of thin air. He already existed, yet few know who Marhum truly is or who he might have been in the past. During countless meetings of the High Council of the Supreme Order of Wizards, Yondar and Tauran’z, along with other members, thoroughly examined all the records dating from Anahkólion to Ernt-nador, but found nothing. Nonetheless, Yondar knows that Marhum originates from other Eras, for if that were not the case, he would not possess the knowledge he does. Marhum's knowledge might be the only way to vanquish evil in the world, but for Yondar to obtain it, he must strike a pact with Marhum, the Dark Wizard. The greatest challenge in this intricate puzzle is to discern with whom the Order of Wizards would truly be forging such an agreement. The arrival of the Dark Wizard remains an enigma and mystery that intrigues everyone. What are his intentions? Why was he in Ernt-nador before the Time of Shadows? What secret does Marhum hold?

The final year of the Age of Wizards will unveil the identity and the reasons behind the Dark Wizard's decision to join or not join the Order of Wizards.

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