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After the world of Anahkólion was created, Naumathar, the Creator of Worlds, entrusted the task of populating, cultivating, and ruling the land through humans to the gods. For this purpose, Naumathar bestowed powers upon Thuror, the God of Gods, and the other gods. The first humans were similar to the gods, being tall and strong. Each of the gods was responsible for guiding the humans under their jurisdiction, which resulted in a diversity of characteristics among the humans created within the First, Second, and Third Lineages. The First Humans of the First Lineages (considering all the First Lineages), such as Naöhrad, Juhl, Pólorh, were immortal, capable of dying only by the hand of a god or by one of the Sacred Weapons - Magical Weapons did not yet exist - created and forged by the five Artificers of the Gods: Morlock, Kaur, Novax, Jolur, and Airfäx. The Second and Third Lineages also possessed the "Gift" of immortality; however, they could be killed by any weapon and by any person from the First Lineages, as it was understood that they were their vassals. The children of the First Humans of the First Lineages, that is, their descendants, no longer possessed inherent immortality like the First Humans or the "Masters of the Lineage," as Naöhrad and all the first kings of their lineages were called, created by their respective gods. Instead, they depended on a gift from each of their parents. This gift came in the form of the God's Medallion or Divine Medallion, as some called it. The God's Medallion was forged with a drop of the child's birth blood, a drop of the father's blood, and a drop of the mother's blood. These drops were mixed, and the God's Medallion was forged by Jolur, the Fourth Artificer of the Gods, who specialized in working with this material and fulfilled the requests of humans on behalf of each of the gods. Without the Medallion, which often received its own unique name depending on the lineage, the descendant would live up to 120 cycles, approximately 190 years, considering that each Cycle, even before its counting by Yondar, consisted of 19 months according to our calendar. This, of course, was provided they didn't die in any peculiar circumstances.


The First Lineage of Anahkólion was NAÖHRAD, created by Thuror, the God of Gods, to guide and oversee the development of the other lineages that would be created. For this purpose, Naöhrad was bestowed with all the necessary qualities of a leader and, if needed, to command battles or war situations. The other lineages that came later were originally intended to be called Second Lineages, but as they disagreed, the other gods managed to convince Thuror to consider them on equal footing with the Naöhrad Lineage. Thus, they came to be known as First Lineages: JUHL, PÓLORH, URHUL, THOVAR, REIMTHOR. The THAYAD'S Lineage, on the other hand, was considered equal to the Naöhrad Lineage rather than being on par with the other First Lineages, and was referred to as the Mixed First Lineage. Although there were debates among the gods, the Thayad's Lineage, created by the Goddess Thard, was considered a First Lineage, just like the Naöhrad Lineage created by the God of Gods. Contrary to what the other gods believed, Thuror considered the Thayad's Lineage or Thard's Lineage as a genuine First Lineage, "Pure" or "Innate," as it was created solely by the goddess Thard without the aid or power of other gods. However, the discussion arose due to a significant discrepancy compared to the other lineages, which was seen as a grave and peculiar characteristic: Thard had created a lineage composed only of women. Initially, there was no issue, except for the fact that there were no men. Thus, there would be no pure reproduction, and the lineage would not be able to maintain its purity or perpetuate itself. It's important to note that in order for lineages to maintain their purity, relationships were required to be limited within the same lineage. If that didn't occur, the descent would no longer be pure, and the divine power granted by the gods would not accompany it. This particular requirement became a focus of contention among the other gods, and that's the reason for the dispute. Goddess Thard explained that the lineage was inspired by the Argonas, the Winged Demigoddesses created by Maráhadar when Akala, the Goddess of the Future, foresaw that a being more powerful than any god would unleash an evil that would dominate Anahkólion and the other worlds. The issue of reproduction within the Thayad's Lineage posed a complication that the goddess Thard addressed, but it continued to impact the gods and the future of the worlds. Undoubtedly, it will have repercussions throughout history. However, the correction made by the goddess Thard caused a new discord among the gods who did not accept the vile and absurd means adopted for reproduction. Many were unaware, but it marked the beginning of a rift that would manifest thousands of Cycles later and culminate in the War of the Gods.

The Wizards' War


The Wizards' War



With the power bestowed upon him by Naumathar, Naöhrad was the First Man created by Thuror. Alaris was the First Woman created by the God of Gods, but with the assistance of Hélis, the Goddess of Destiny. However, the Lineage of Naöhrad was solely Thuror's responsibility, as Hélis had her own lineage to oversee. Naöhrad became the First King of the realm of Naöhrad, and with his queen, they had many children, among whom Dunthax, Ëliar, Ern, Sardhar, Dohr, Dathor, and Viah stood out, with Viah being his youngest and most favored daughter. As the First King of Anahkólion, all the other First Lineages owed allegiance to Naöhrad, except for the Thayad's Lineage. This was because the Thayad's Lineage stood on equal footing with Naöhrad's, being pure. Unlike the others, who, for the purpose of divine conceptual evaluation, were considered Mixed First Lineages due to Thuror's involvement in their creation. Thus, the siblings Juhl, Pólorh, Urhul, Thovar, and Reimthor owed him fealty and obedience. However, despite the many reasons Naöhrad had throughout his life to think differently, he demanded nothing more than respect for the unity of the kingdoms of Anahkólion. Over time, the owed allegiance began to be forgotten.


The Wizards' War

Naöhrad was a man of few but wise words, labeled by some as dry and rough. He was tall and strong. His face was rugged, with a round nose and a protruding mouth. As the First Man, he was slightly taller than Juhl, but many said the difference was minimal. He had dark brown hair and a matching beard, and his piercing blue eyes revealed his intelligence, resembling Thuror to some extent. During his early years as king, he ruled with a firm hand and a strong personality, which, at the time, was only considered a small fraction of what the kingdom of Naöhrad would become. He always carried the Shield of Naöhr on his arm, while the Sword of Änahr hung from his waist, both crafted by the master Morlock, the First Artisan of the Gods, at Thuror's explicit request. He also wore meticulously lightweight armor gifted by Olthom, the God of the Seas, and crafted by the master Airfäx, the Fifth Artisan of the Gods, which he only took off to sleep. The armor consisted of a scale mail of magnificent dark blue color, extracted during a fierce battle in the southern seas of Anahkólion, between Olthom and a rare sea dragon, in a period before the creation of men. The chainmail was impenetrable and light as a feather. Not even the Magical Weapons, as they came to be called, could harm the back of the person wearing it. Strangely, however, the whole ensemble was called Olthom's Mantle.


The kingdom of Naöhrad was the first kingdom to be established and was known as the First Kingdom. After the construction of the kingdom by the Barons (great beings created by Thuror to build the realms of men with impressive strength and skill), Naöhrad founded the High Council of Kings, which soon became known as the High Council of Naöhrad. It was in the Council that the kings of the First Lineages gathered to decide the future of Anahkólion, the organization of the Second and Third Lineages, trade, agriculture, navigation, and the expansion or exploration into other worlds. There, the six kings and the queen of the First Lineages decided much of what happened in Anahkólion, Anathurilis, and Ernathurilis. The other part of the decision-making was entrusted to another creature that would shape the history and destiny of all the realms in the worlds. As the oldest man of all, Naöhrad lived alongside the gods, experiencing strong and challenging moments throughout many winters and summers, battling creatures that emerged from the depths of the earth. Alongside his brothers Juhl and Pólorh and the armies created over time, Naöhrad engaged in epic confrontations and battles in Anahkólion and Anathurilis that were recorded in the Annals of History.

The Wizards' War


The Wizards' War



Dunthäx was the first son that King Naöhrad had with his wife Alaris. He was born long before time began to be counted, but shortly after the kingdom of Naöhrad was established. Like Naöhrad, Dunthäx is tall and strong, considered as muscular as "The Masters of the Lineages," as Naöhrad and all the first of their lineages were called. During his childhood, Dunthäx developed the ability to communicate with the Great Rakun Unicorns, before they became winged unicorns.


The seventh son of Naöhrad was Ëliar. He spent his entire youth learning the art of warfare and studying the handling of all existing weapons. He was not one for animosities and frivolities. Among the children Naöhrad had with his wife Alaris, Ëliar was the most serious and stern. He began commanding the forces of the kingdom in his middle age when aging was halted due to the power of the Medal of the Gods, following the death of General Aldhos during the war that came to be known as the Rebellion of the Lineages in the First Era.

Ern was the thirteenth son and was born long after Ëliar. He was the complete opposite of his brother. Ern was restless and spirited from a young age. Before the complete disappearance of the Kathand-Nath, the Great Dragons, Ern was one of those who dared to approach the Dragons, as they came to be called with the emergence of the Kathand-Thândnath, the Great Black Dragons, in Anathurilis. Among the descendants, Ern was the one who defied his father Naöhrad the most. As he reached adulthood, what was once mere defiance came to be seen as a challenge to his father, who silently recognized in his son the potential for great leadership. Due to personal reasons, Ern did not have a good relationship with Ëliar from childhood, which further exacerbated tensions when he assumed the position of Commander of the Naöhrs, the Cavalry of the Kingdom of Naöhrad. Unbeknownst to him, Ern will surprise everyone by accomplishing feats that will impact his own life and the lives of many others.



As the eldest daughter, Sardhar was Naöhrad's favorite for a long time, until the arrival of the youngest, Viah, who became his openly preferred child. Sardhar was politically astute and cunning, having learned the craft from her mother, Alaris, whom she developed a deep disdain for over the cycles due to her subservience to King Naöhrad. Within the court of the First Kingdom, Sardhar demonstrated her value through her ideas and strategies in various situations that surprised Naöhrad. Countless situations were resolved through Sardhar's strategies and plans, and as a result, her father Naöhrad frequently invited her to participate in the War Council. However, Sardhar will surprise everyone with her handling of various situations.


Dorh was born in the First Era and was the least important son to Naöhrad, as he caused a great deal of suffering to his wife, Alaris. Although tall, Dorh was not endowed with a strong physique, but unbeknownst to anyone, he was one of Naöhrad's most intelligent and cunning sons. Due to the prejudice he faced for his physically inferior stature, Dorh learned to become invisible to the people of the court, which, while perceived as a weakness by others, was actually a powerful weapon for Dorh. From a young age, he knew he would never ascend to the Throne of Naumathar in the Hall of Dnasthir, and for that reason, he always planned to establish his own kingdom. His strength lay in the power of persuasion and manipulation over people, without them realizing his true intentions. Thus, at a certain moment, when least expected, Dorh would surprise everyone in the court, but most importantly, he would surprise his father, who had always disregarded him.


Viah is Naöhrad's youngest daughter and, being the baby of the family, she is the favorite and most loved. Viah is considered one of the most beautiful women in the kingdom of Naöhrad, and as such, she is one of the most coveted, even in her youth, before reaching thirty Cycles. Her beauty is revealed through her delicacy, which contrasts with her strong and impetuous personality. Unlike her other siblings who reside in Naöhrad - as many already live in Anathurilis and Ernathurilis - she is not a woman inclined towards war or the politics of the realms. Viah simply desires to live and be happy within Anahkólion. However, unfortunately, that is not what ends up happening. Viah's story is one of the most difficult and burdensome. The burden she has to bear and the intertwined destinies connect the present, the past, and the future of all worlds. And Viah will have a surprising role to play in each of these stages.


Unlike all his siblings, Dathor grew up rebellious. He was never satisfied with anything and rarely showed courtesy. Whether towards his parents, Naöhrad and Alaris, or towards the other lineages and the court, it seemed that Dathor had anger for existing, not to mention a resentment towards the world as it was. The wickedness and hatred that were noticeable in Dathor were felt by the people during the period when he took command of the Citadel Guard. During this time, which lasted for three Cycles, Dathor earned the nickname "Dathor the Cruel," and the period was classified as the "Days of Terror." After being removed from power, he gathered his people and followers and abandoned Anahkólion with over forty ships. Much later, Dathor ended up founding a new world called Dnathirium, and the kingdom was named Dathorium, located west of Ernt-nador.

The Wizards' War



The Thayad's lineage was created by the goddess Thard. The Thayad's lineage, also known as Thard's lineage, consisted only of women. The inspiration came from the Argonas, the demi-goddesses who were protectors of the goddesses, created by the goddess Maráhadar before the First Era. The purpose of the lineage was to promote the independence of women and establish a kingdom ruled by a warrior queen, rather than a king with a queen by his side. Therefore, there were no men in the Thayad's lineage, nor in its succession. However, this posed a problem: the issue of pure reproduction. Without men, there was no way to achieve pure lineage reproduction. The issue of reproduction was eventually resolved after the creation of the lineage by the goddess Thard. Correcting the issue of reproduction was crucial for the lineage to thrive and perpetuate through the Eras and Times that would unfold across the worlds. The solution, although strange and unconventional, was found. However, it was not an easy matter to accept or resolve, as it required approval from Thuror and subsequently from the High Council of Gods. Initially, the solution was not accepted by the majority of the gods, leading to heated discussions and the presentation of arguments and counterarguments. The first objection was related to the unconventional nature of the solution. The second objection concerned who would be involved and how. The solution proposed by the goddess Thard was to reproduce some of the Thayad's lineage members with those who had pure blood. However, they could not be from any existing lineages, as it would result in mixing the lineages and diluting their purity, thus diminishing the divine power conferred to the lineages by the gods. Therefore, the solution was to reproduce the Thayad's lineage with those who had blood that was not only pure but also inherently divine. There were only two possibilities, but only one of them fit the requirements. Since the Thuorom possessed large wings, the Gontthers were chosen. The choice of the Gontthers was based on the purity of their blood and their divine nature, as they were created by Thuror in conjunction with Naumathar and formed the army that protected Mount Naumathar. They were deemed trustworthy by the goddess Thard. After much deliberation, Thuror left the decision regarding this matter to the Gontthers themselves. When asked about the perpetual task, many volunteered, but only ten warriors were selected, each with different qualities and characteristics. In the end, everyone understood the sacrifice that had to be made for eternity. The resistance from the gods stemmed from concerns about the purity of the lineage and the fact that the Gontthers did not belong to it. However, Thuror explained that due to their immortality and Divine Lineage, the Gontthers' blood was purer than that of the Thayad's lineage, despite the latter being descendants of the gods. With this understanding, the purity and integrity of the Thayad's lineage would remain unaffected, and there would be no issue with reproduction involving the Gontthers. Although the explanation was comprehensive and sufficiently clarifying, some gods such as Gerndar, Therbás, Anuth, and the goddesses Ankaendhar and Akala remained opposed because the fate of male children born to the Thayad's lineage was still unclear. However, what would happen to male infants became a well-guarded secret within Thard's lineage.

The Wizards' War


The first woman of the Thayad's lineage was named Thayad, the same name as the lineage, following the custom adopted by almost all the gods. As the queen of the Thayad's or Thard's kingdom, Thayad had the most challenging mission: to build a prosperous and respected kingdom of women amidst the realms of the First, Second, and Third Lineages of men. And that's exactly what Thayad accomplished throughout her reign. Thayad had only one daughter, Thayanar, who became one of the greatest queens of the Thard's kingdom. Unlike the majority of realms, the kingdom of Thard, or the Thayad's kingdom, expanded further when Thayanar left Anahkólion and journeyed to the kingdom that was already being built in Ernathurilis. There, in the world of Ernathurilis, she established the Empire of Thayad Warriors. For a long time, the kingdom of Thard was considered the largest in Ernathurilis. Later, due to a great invasion, a small group of Thayad Warriors left Ernathurilis by sea. Some disappeared in the sea while others arrived in the West of Ernt-nador. In this new world, they founded the kingdom called Hoxlu. Although unknown to many, the word HOXLU holds the location of the greatest secret existing in the worlds: The Secret of THE ORIGIN OF EVIL.

Queen Thayanar reigns for a long time, earning a position of respect within the High Council of the Realms of Anahkólion, where the kingdom of Thard holds a fortified position in the ancient castle. When the kingdom of Thard is attacked in Ernathurilis, another queen named Ayar assumes the throne and commands the army of women, but this only happens after the death of her mother, Viulahr, daughter of Yanara. Ayar is actually the great-granddaughter of Thayanar and the great-great-granddaughter of Thayad.

The Wizards' War




The Mixed First Lineages emerged after the First Lineage of Naöhrad from Anahkólion. Although considered First Lineages, Juhl, Pólorh, Urhul, Thovar, and Reimthor are classified as mixed due to having two gods in their creation. However, the Thayad's Lineage is classified as a pure or native First Lineage because it was created solely by the goddess Thard. Regarding their position in the High Council of Kings or Naöhrad, as he himself called it, or their power over the Second and Third Lineages, there was no distinction, as all were respected as a First Lineage.


Created by Therbás, the God of Darkness, and by Thuror.


Created by Anuth, the God of Souls, and by Thuror.


Created by Unöuthareb, the God of the Black Abyss, and by Thuror.

Created by Gerndar, the God of the Yellow Star, and by Thuror.


Created by Jad, the God of Precision, and by Thuror


The Wizards' War



The Second Lineages were created to serve and be subservient to the First Lineages. The other gods created the Second Lineages with the purpose of engaging in trade, agriculture, navigation, and the exploration or colonization of other worlds. However, things didn't go as planned. By their very nature of creation, the Second Lineages did not possess bellicose intentions or motivations. Nevertheless, after Omnathar unleashed hatred, envy, and malevolence upon the Second Lineages, many things changed. It was then that conflicts began.

The Wizards' War



Created by Maráhadar, the Guardian Goddess of Black Portals.


Created by Hélis, the Goddess of Destiny.


Created by Aynar, the Goddess of Earth and Sky.


Created by Amagdor, the God of Winds.


Created by Nurhul, the God of Lightning.


Created by Akala, the Goddess of the Future and Destiny.

The Wizards' War



The Third Lineages were created for all activities that did not involve power, conquest, and battles. They were created by gods and goddesses who envisioned a future where worlds could be governed by peaceful people. These lineages served the needs of the First Lineages, providing direct services to the realm. People from the Third Lineages typically worked within the castle premises, in the cavalry, royal guards, and armies. They rarely had the power or means to establish their own kingdoms. At most, they managed to maintain small principalities that gradually formed into large citadels near the kingdoms. In some cases, due to their size and extent, the citadels merged with the kingdoms, causing confusion as to where one ended and the other began. This, combined with Omnathar's imposition of his power upon the population and the growing discontent, resulted in an unintended impact.

The Wizards' War



Created by Unthanar, the Goddess of Forests and Mountains.


Created by Olthom, the God of Seas.


Created by Onusar, the Goddess of Lightning and Light.


Created by Lothanar, the Goddess of the Circle of Fire.


Created by Ninthiglior, the God of White Flame.


Created by Ankhaendar, the Goddess of Dreams, Nightmares, and Illusions.

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