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In the year 1974 of the Age of Wizards, the Kingdom of Dorhan was considered the most prestigious and largest realm ever built in terms of grandeur, size, and extent in Ernt-nador. There are no precise records of when this occurred, but it is known that construction began during the First Era. Based on the few writings found, it is estimated that they started building the castle and towers in the First Era and completed them after the Time of Constructions, at the beginning of the Time of Kings. There is no exact comprehensive record of the kingdom's construction start, but it is known from the writings kept in the knowledge chambers of the Main Hall of the Archives of Eras and Times, located within the Castle of Dorhan, that the Three Great Kings from a direct succession lineage of the Naöhrad Lineage were credited with the construction from beginning to end. Long after their deaths, when the Kingdom of Dorhan had entered the First Era, these kings were honored by naming the three great towers of the kingdom after them. Doramoth, the youngest king and initiator of the construction, named the tower facing the North, symbolizing vigilance against the enemy peoples residing in that region. The tower facing South and the kingdom's backside was named Thoulath, in tribute to the oldest king responsible for the completion of the works. The third tower was named Handohan, with the responsibility of guarding the East, paying attention and homage to the sages who later settled in that region, founding the Realm of Wizards. The Three Great Kings passed away, and their bodies were placed in vaulted tombs within their respective towers. From then on, the Three Great Towers, the tallest in Ernt-nador at the time - the Ten Towers of the Wizards had not yet been bestowed by the gods and goddesses - were given the first letters of the kings' names, becoming known as the Dorathohan Towers. Towering and as white as far as the eye could see, the Three Towers represented the bastion of the Kingdom of Dorhan. Within their depths, they symbolized the security and longevity of the World of Men of the South. They extended above the already lofty castle, reaching a height of about one hundred meters.

The Wizards' War




The ancient kingdom, constructed by the Three Dorathohan and now known as the Kingdom of Dorhan, is surrounded by six great walls adorned with towers that gradually taper until reaching the grand castle, from which the Three Towers of the Dorathohan rise. As the largest and most prominent kingdom in Ernt-nador, Dorhan also boasts the largest expanse of land, ensuring prosperous trade with smaller principalities and kingdoms to the West. The city of Dorhan is home to a vast number of subjects, and its bustling marketplace facilitates powerful daily transactions. Among the kingdoms with which Dorhan maintains steadfast and continuous trade, Lurhumur and Thiurethi are notable examples. Furthermore, following the Pact of the Kings, Ashin was included in this market as well.


The Wall of the Three Dorathohan is located approximately three kilometers from the Castle, anchored in the vast range of the King's Mountain. This wall, the largest in Ernt-nador, is adorned with the carved images of the Three Great Kings in three colossal statues carved into the raw rock. It consists of five extensive walls that encircle the monuments in a semicircular fashion every five hundred or six hundred meters. The wide and spacious walls are separated by sturdy and finely crafted battlements, interspersed every twenty or thirty meters, from the base where two tall and formidable gates resemble two giant mouths, up to the shoulders of the statues that rise one hundred and fifty meters from the ground.

The Wizards' War



The lineage of King Hurmond comes from the Naöhrad Lineage, created by Thuror, the ancient god of gods and Lord of Mount Naumathar in Anahkólion. Even in the First Era of Anahkólion, some lesser-valued families descended from the Naöhrad Lineage and other lineages left that land and ventured across the seas in search of a new world to establish their roots. This coincided with the disappearance of some Barons (giant beings created by Thuror to build the kingdoms of men). The First Great King of Dorhan was named Doramoth and he was the youngest king to initiate the construction of Dorhan. According to some records, he was already the third in line of pure lineage descent since their departure from Anahkólion, and together with his children, he was responsible for completing the works of the kingdom. However, as the Ages passed, the custom or culture, not to mention the imposition from King Naöhrad himself in Anahkólion, to maintain a pure lineage through relationships between siblings began to lose its strength and gradually diluted, losing its purity. And with the purity, the original power conferred by the gods to the First Lineages faded away (see Kingdoms and Lineages).


In the year 1974 of the Age of Wizards, the current king of Dorhan is King Hurmond, the son of Ormond.


The Wizards' War

In the year 1974 of the Age of the Wizards, Hurmond is regarded by all the kings as one of the greatest rulers of his time. A determined leader in past years, Hurmond reigns over the largest and most powerful kingdom ever built by the first three great kings who founded Dorhan in the first era of Ernt-Nador, before it was known as the Known World. According to writings, Hurmond is a descendant of the descendants of the First Lineage of Naöhrad, a direct descendant of the gods of Anahkólion, although in Ernt-Nador such lineage is no longer considered pure, and the powers bestowed by the gods have been lost to time. He ascended to the throne at a young age, and after years of wars between the other kingdoms, it was King Hurmond who brought peace to Ernt-Nador, uniting the kingdoms of Thiurethi, Ashin, Lurhumur, and Anüionder. It was during this period that the High Council of Kings was established in Dorhan. In his later years, he will be involved in the greatest conflict Dorhan has faced since its inception. He is considered one of the wisest and most experienced kings by his peers, although he has no inkling that one of the kings envies and hates him deeply.

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King Hurmond had only two children with his wife and queen of Dorhan, as she succumbed to a severe fever that led her to the realm of the ancient gods. After the death of his queen, Hurmond never took another wife under any circumstance. The king devoted himself to the education of his son Aykan, who would one day inherit the crown and become the greatest king of Ernt-nador, and to finding a suitable match among the other kingdoms for his daughter Mylénea.


The Wizards' War

Princess Mylénea is a member of the Court of Dorhan, being the eldest daughter of King Hurmond. Considered one of the most beautiful women in Dorhan, the princess with her black hair, green eyes, and alluring lips conceals her intelligence and wisdom acquired through her father's teachings. Molded within the frivolities of the Dorhanian Court, Mylénea seemed only interested in amusement and her appearance. However, she is cunning and a strategist, gaining knowledge in every environment she frequents. When someone needed something, she took it upon herself to find those who could provide what was needed. This ability allowed her to forge alliances and win allies from all levels of Dorhan. Mylénea had never considered or dreamt of assuming an important role in the kingdom, but an eternal love destined to end before the time she is destined to live will make her change her mind. When the time comes, she will assume a role she never imagined having.


The Wizards' War

The heir to the throne of Dorhan is the commander of the Dorhanian forces and the right-hand man of his father, the king. Aykan grew up strong and intelligent, showing early interest in matters related to the kingdom. His demanding father encouraged him to learn about internal and external politics, relations with other realms and their commanders, as well as maintaining contact with the army and the people. Aykan developed a strong and astute personality, learning to speak and listen at the right moment. He had a tall stature, long dark brown hair, and a well-groomed goatee that adorned his gentle features. Over time, Aykan and his father began to disagree on certain matters, particularly regarding the timing of when the prince should assume the throne. Aykan believed it was already time, while Hurmond thought more time was needed. Faced with this situation, Aykan began forming secret alliances in preparation for his eventual ascent to the throne of Dorhan.

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After Hurmond, the king of Dorhan, the most articulate person in the kingdom is Fahrumt, the Counselor of Dorhan. With an age that is difficult to calculate, Fahrumt has been assisting Dorhan with his services since the king's youth. At first glance, Fahrumt's deformed appearance was astonishing. Hurmond found it strange that Fahrumt did not age like other people, and he thought the Counselor had something similar to the wizards who preserved themselves throughout time without significant aging, as if something kept them intact over time. In terms of behavior, the Counselor was an avid man and often sharp-tongued when it came to Dorhan's dealings with other kingdoms. He had no proper hair, only long grayish strands that descended from the sides of his bald head. His face was deformed and full of wrinkles. He had only one black eye, while the other side exhibited wrinkled skin and the cavity from the lack of the other eye. He wore loose clothing in shades ranging from dark gray to black. His teeth were yellow and spaced apart, due to the herbs he had a habit of smoking. And to complete the eerie scene, he limped when moving. One thing that bothered King Hurmond was Fahrumt's habit of constantly shrinking and moving his fingers in a strange manner.


The army of Dorhan is composed of the Dohirons, Doharáds, and the Royal Guard, the Dorhs. As the largest kingdom in Ernt-nador, Dorhan has the best defense. Its large population allows for the selection of the finest warriors for each position that guards the kingdom. The Dohirons form the mounted guard, although many of them do not solely work in the kingdom's security on horseback, as there is a rotation in this regard. The Doharáds make up the cavalry of white horses and are responsible for patrolling the vast kingdom. The Dorhs, on the other hand, provide personal and private security for King Hurmond.


The so-called "Dohirons" are the Mounted Royal Guard. The cavalry rides the beautiful and rare white horses called "Hárâds". Also known as the "Guardians of the Grey Gates," they protect the entrance to the Castle of Dorhan. The Dohirons wear shining silver helmets that cover almost their entire face, leaving only the chin, tip of the nose, and eyes visible. They don white leather vests with grey borders. Their arms display gleaming silver bracelets made of the same material as the helmets. They carry magnificent longswords in exquisite white sheaths and wield intricately designed grey spears. Flowing down their backs are white capes as delicate and fine as sunlit clouds, with silver patterns adorning the edges.


The "Doharáds'' are part of the Royal Guard of Dorhan, mounted on rare white horses called "Hárãads." They are known as the "Silver Warriors'' and are responsible for guarding the borders and conducting patrols throughout the kingdom. They wear silver-plated helmets and bracelets with golden accents, and their capes are grey and intricately crafted from exquisite fabrics. Their light grey leather cuirasses feature the emblem of Dorhan in the center. They wield longswords known as "The Justice of Men," along with long spears and triangular shields adorned with golden details and the kingdom's emblem at the center.


The Dorhs are also known as "The Guardians of Dorhan," an ancient title bestowed upon the First Kings. The Dorhs are chosen for their prowess in battle and combat training. Above all, there must be an unwavering devotion to their king. Loyalty, courage, and dedication are qualities that compel these men to sacrifice their lives for the throne of Dorhan.

The Wizards' War



The kingdom of Ashin was built between the First and Third Era of Ernt-nador by descendants of the Second Lineage of Vortox who managed to escape from Anathurilis and Anahkólion after a bloody battle that took place from the Second to the Third Era of Anahkólion, in the open fields of Vorth-dor, in the realm of Vorth. As a direct descendant of the Second Lineage of Vortox in Anathurilis, Vorth ended up challenging the actions of the Juhl Lineage in Anathurilis. This strained the agreement between King Juhl and Vortox, his direct vassal. It resulted in deep discord that involved the Pólorh Lineage and culminated in a battle where half of the Vortox Lineage perished, and the other half fled across the seas to save their lives. Since Ernathurilis was not an option, they decided to venture through the waters of the Brave, Vall-Mur, Akrion, and Dnathorion Seas until reaching solid ground far north of the Black Sea. In the North of Ernt-nador, which became known as the "World Known" by the descendants of the Anahkólion Lineages, they chose a location to build what would become the kingdom of Ashin. The term "World Known" was a way to deny the existence and past of the Vortox Lineage in the previous worlds. Those worlds belonged only to legends and stories told to children, where truth and illusion blended into a smokescreen. Eras and many Times and years passed until the year 1974 of the Age of the Wizards. Ginlafar, son of King Galafad, was very ambitious and dreamed of even greater greatness than that of the kingdom of Ashin. However, he feared bringing shame to the Vortox Lineage, as his father had done in a pact with the neighboring kingdom of Anuiönder. In secret, he nurtured the desire to reclaim some of the lands lost to the neighboring kingdom of Anuiönder, and this ambition eventually extended to all of Ernt-nador. But this ambition remained dormant for a long time. Until today.

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The lineage of the kingdom of Ashin traces back directly to the Second Vortox Lineage, which was initially established in Anahkólion as a vassal of the First Juhl Lineage. Much later, with the hidden support of Juhl, descendants of Vortox founded the kingdom of Vorth in Anathurilis. The establishment of this kingdom served as a justification for Juhl's travels to Anathurilis, as there was another alliance formed in secret.


In the year 1974 of the Age of the Wizards, the current king of Ashin is King Ginlafar, son of Galafad.


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Ginlafar, the king of Ashin, was in the twilight of his life. In the early days of his reign, following the passing of his father, Galafad, he faced numerous small wars, including conflicts with Anuiönder over land disputes and a confrontation with Hoxlu after Queen Jada rejected a proposal for union. However, after the negotiations with Hurmond, the king of Dorhan, and the other kingdoms, peace reigned among them all. Despite enjoying a reign of peace and tranquility, life had been bitter and harsh for Ginlafar. He had only one wife in his late second age, but sadly, she died giving birth to their eldest son. Unfortunately, their child, named Gilad, passed away at the age of two due to a severe illness. From an early age, Ginlafar believed he could be and have much more than his father. However, his ambition would never come to fruition as he was the second son. Strangely, his brother died during a hunting expedition, making him the heir to Galafad. With no direct successors to the throne of Ashin, Ginlafar appointed his nephew Nordur as his future replacement. In the last year of the Age of the Wizards, the king of Ashin will have the opportunity to lay his hands on a great power that could potentially change the course of his history in Ernt-nador.

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The descendants of King Ginlafar come from the Second Lineage of Vortox in Anahkólion, created by Nurhul, the ancient God of Lightning. Between the First and First Era of Anahkólion, the development of lineages took place. Over about five hundred Cycles – about fourteen months each Cycle, check ERAS and TIMES in the Anahkólion menu – many of these lineages already expressed desires and many frustrations regarding the limited possibilities for improvement in their lives. Before the beginning of the Second Era, some of the Second and Third Lineages, who owed allegiance and service to the First Lineages, had already formed alliances. The purpose of some families from these lineages was to explore other worlds in favor of the First Lineages, with whom they had formed alliances. And that's what happened before and at the beginning of the First Era of Anahkólion. The worlds of Anathurilis and Ernathurilis were populated, castles were built, and kingdoms were founded. One of these was Vorth, the first son and descendant of Vortox, who founded the kingdom of Vorth in the northeastern part of Anathurilis. Unfortunately, due to problems related to the fulfillment of direct orders from the lineage with whom they had formed an alliance, the Lineage of Vorth from Anathurilis and the Lineage of Vortox from Anahkólion were attacked and banished. However, this event occurred between the Second and Third Era of Anahkólion. For this reason, Ashin was founded by one of the men from the Lineage of Vortox. Ginlafar, the king of Ashin, assumed the throne after the accidental death of his older brother while on a hunt. At the time, he was young, but Nordur, the son of his deceased brother, was still a baby, whom he raised as his own son, secretly taking his brother's wife as his own. He reigned for many years, and as old age approached, he decided to appoint Nordur as his successor.


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Son of Nordamar, the eldest son of Galafad, Nordur is the prince of Ashin and the rightful successor to the throne. Still an infant, Nordur became orphaned when Nordamar went hunting and suffered an accident, falling from a high cliff. The only father he has known is Ginlafar, who took care of him and his mother after assuming the throne following Galafad's death. Tragically, Ginlafar's queen died a few years after his coronation while giving birth to their first and only child. In an unusually harsh and cold year, their son Gilad succumbed to a severe flu and passed away before reaching his third year of life. With no other heirs, Nordur was named as the successor. Currently, due to a deliberate distancing from King Ginlafar, Nordur serves as the Lord of the Citadel of Malsh, located near Ashin, and commands a large detachment of Ashinors who monitor the Frozen Mountains of Ashin.


The Wizards' War

The Counselor of Ashin is one of the most enigmatic characters that will be introduced in the story of The Wizards' War. Although not apparent, Uthirol comes from an era that predates the foundation of Ernt-nador. And at this moment when evil rises under the guise of the Master of the Shadow Wizards, the old advisor will seize the opportunity to unveil the secret of the one who has been dormant for many eras and times. The time to reveal all the secrets had finally come after a hundred lifetimes of waiting. Just as it was time to bring back his old master to life. All the steps had been fulfilled long ago. He only needed to wait a little longer. His turn had come. The fulfillment of his destiny and the promised reward by the master were just a few events away. A son must return to the light and from the light bring forth darkness. Such a son needs to know he has a father. He needs to be informed. The father must be awakened by the son so that the darkness can envelop not one, but all the worlds. The time had come to conquer all the realms of men. And this time, the gods would not interfere, for they were all already dead. It was only a matter of time before he would become who he had always been.



The Castle of Ashin, also known as Ashin Castle, is a magnificent fortress located in the kingdom of Ashin. It was constructed by the descendants of the Second Lineage of Vortox, created by the ancient god of lightning, Nurhul. Situated in the northern region of Ernt-nador, the castle stands tall and imposing, overlooking the surrounding lands. It is a symbol of power and grandeur, reflecting the rich history and heritage of Ashin. The Castle of Ashin is renowned for its intricate


The Army of Ashin is located in the far North. Its main concentration is in the Citadel of Ashin and the Ice Castle, as it came to be known by those who passed through. Clad in finely crafted and polished silver armor and helmets, the Ashinors wield spears resembling the Sacred Weapon called the Spear of Nurhul, crafted by the masters Morlock and Novax for Nurhul, the God of Lightning. In addition to spears, the Ashinors use longswords and large shields, always mounted on their tall and sturdy Önirs with long manes and hairy legs. The impressive Önirs display gleaming articulated barding, protecting the upper part of their necks, with breastplates and headpieces bearing the Coat of Arms of Ashin: a yellow sun within a black moon.


During Galafad's reign, the Royal Guard of Ashin was known as the Ashinurs, but it was later renamed to Nor's of Galafad. When Ginlafar ascended to the throne, he sought to change the name as he disliked the association it had with his father. As a result, he removed his father's name, and the Royal Guard became simply known as the Nor's. The Nor's wore attire in a light gray blended with dark gray, adorned with various silver accents. They carried elongated silver shields in a triangular shape and wielded long spears, while their long swords remained in intricately crafted sheaths in black and dark gray.

The Guard of King Ashin was selected directly from the Nor's through tournaments that reproduced real combat. The only difference was that King Ginlafar did not allow the losers to be killed. For the king, it was a waste of qualified manpower. In this way, the best warriors and fighters were selected to be part of the ten members who ensured the king's security. They were known as Gilaf's Nor's, and they underwent this ordeal every five years. Those who qualified served in the Guard of the King, while the others were demoted and returned to basic positions within the Nor's. Gilaf's Nor's wore outfits that blended white and silver and carried long swords.




The kingdom of Anuiönder emerged after the end of the Time of Shadow when a fleet of over two hundred ships, commanded by King Blather, a descendant of the ancient Lineage of Jada, arrived at the Gulf of Lashimar. Rumors had it that Blather had fled from a war between the kingdoms of Dathorum and Änuir, being cornered in the East of Dnathirium and sought refuge in Ernt-nador due to the situation in Ernthys and Ernathurilis. His arrival was marked by disagreements and clashes with Ashin, which did not accept the loss of territory. However, Blather enforced his strategy and, within thirty-two years according to the Castle of Ernt-nador calendar, established the kingdom of Anuiönder.

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The kingdom of Anuiönder descends from the First Lineage of Juhl from Anahkólion. However, it is important to establish the difference from the other realms of Ernt-nador founded in the First Era of that world. While the other kingdoms left Anahkólion, Anathurilis, and Ernathurilis to venture across the seas in search of new worlds, the descendants of the diluted Lineage of Juhl fled from Dnathirium between the Sixth and Eighth Age of Anahkólion.


In the year 1974 of the Age of the Wizards, the current king of Anuiönder was King Lorondir, son of Bauloron.


The Wizards' War

Descendant of the Third Lineage of Zoneash, already diluted by time, Lorondir is undoubtedly the most bitter and unhappy king of all others. Unfortunately, his wife left him and abandoned him on the day Kaya was born. Lorondir, son of Bauloron, was a young king, and this had a significant impact on his life. Lorondir never recovered from losing the love of his life. What was once a happy and friendly king transformed into a bitter and sorrowful person. And it was not just because he lost the love of his life, but also because he did not have a male heir to inherit his kingdom. Although he was kind and gentle, Lorondir was a different person to Queen Anastha. He fervently demanded that Anastha give him a male heir in the first pregnancy, and with the queen's growing belly, that was what he expected. But that was not what happened. When the king returned from his celebratory hunt, Anastha was no longer there. In her place, she had left behind a beautiful girl. The midwife did not know how the queen disappeared; when she returned with clean sheets, the queen was no longer there. In the first year of Kaya's life, the king completely ignored her, but later, when he saw that little girl taking her first steps in the corridors, his heart softened. He loved Kaya deeply, and she made an effort to please her father and alleviate his sense of loss. As Kaya grew up, Lorondir began to teach her everything he could about the kingdom, trade, and politics. Sometimes Kaya showed interest in these matters, and other times she did not. She preferred to learn about the art of weapons and study strategies of war. Eventually, Lorondir entrusted the kingdom's command to Kaya so that she could gain experience, a fact that made him proud. Battles were fought, and Kaya was always at the forefront of leadership. The king finally realized that he did not need a male heir and that it was this demand that caused Anastha to abandon him. If he could, he would go back in time. But that was no longer possible.


Lorondir had only one companion, Queen Anasha. From their union, they had a daughter named Kaya. Unfortunately, the king was abandoned by the queen because she was unable to bear him a male heir. The queen was never seen again in Anuiönder or anywhere else in Ernt-nador. As a result, Princess Kaya is the sole descendant of the Kingdom of Anuiönder.


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Is one of the greatest enigmas in all the kingdoms. Concealing a secret that spans decades, the Princess presents many facets. While she appears delicate, gracious, and astute in the Throne Hall of Anuiönder, dealing with royal matters that have become burdens for her father, she also reveals herself as impetuous and fearless in front of the Iönderis, the Royal Cavalry of Anuiönder, also known as the "Silver Cavalry." Many who know Kaya believe that she has the ability to transform into two completely different people, depending on the situation she faces. Like her mother, Kaya possesses breathtaking beauty, with her blonde hair and blue eyes. Her body is slender and delicate yet strong and agile. Descending from the Third Lineage of Zoneash, the kingdom of Anuiönder, along with Kaya, had their histories changed thanks to the courage of Lord Zoneash in challenging his allegiance to King Juhl and confronting the system created by the First Lineages. Zoneash's actions shifted the perspectives of other lineages who were discontent with the socio-political situation in Anahkólion. Fearless and respected by those who disagreed with her position as interim ruler on the throne in place of her father, Lorondir, Kaya will surprise everyone when the Great War of her time begins.

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The Wizards' War

Was taken under the wing of Jozthandar, the former counselor of Anuiönder, about five years before his death. He taught the young Bröutha the craft and importance of advising the king. Unfortunately, Bröutha had a dark past that caused her many troubles, leading her to wear a mask and never reveal her face. After being prepared from a young age by her predecessor, Bröutha assumed the role of counselor of Anuiönder and became the newest counselor among the kingdoms of Ernt-nador. Always by King Lorondir's side, Bröutha strives to live up to the standards set by Jozthandar, providing advice that is productive and essential for the kingdom. However, unbeknownst to anyone, the Counselor of Anuiönder harbors a secret that will not only surprise the kingdom of Anuiönder but all of Ernt-nador.


Although considered relatively smaller than the castles of Ashin and Thiurethi, the Castle of Anuiönder was taller and had three underground levels. This was due to the fact that two of the Barons - mighty beings created by Thuror for the construction of castles and kingdoms - were the same ones who built the dungeons of the kingdom of Juhl. Since these creatures were mistreated by the Lineages of Juhl and Vortox, it was not difficult for them to place their trust in the Lineage of Zoneash, which saved them from the dungeons they had built themselves. Over time, the kingdom prospered, and by the year 1974 of the Age of Wizards, the Castle is one of the most magnificent in all of Ernt-nador.


Considered one of the most exposed kingdoms in all of Ernt-nador, Anuiönder has been attacked several times by the kingdom of Ashin and by pirates formed by the scum expelled from Dnathirium. It was only with King Anuih-aönder that the kingdom was truly named and two outpost stations were established for protection and prevention of attacks. The first outpost created was Anuiön North, and there was a good reason for that. Since the greatest attacks came from Ashin and Hoxlu, while Thiurethi did not trouble Anuiönder, the priority was to defend from the North. Anuiön South was built much later, more as a precautionary measure. Both outposts, but especially Anuiön North, have an extremely military character and the specific objective of providing the first defense for the kingdom of Anuiönder, which proved to be very effective. As time passed and families accompanying the soldiers migrated, the outposts transformed into small villages, and much later they grew and became two great citadels. Anuiön North is situated between the tip of the Lashimar Gulf and the furthest of the Frozen Mountains of Ashin, while Anuiön South is located near the Mist Forest, north of Hoxlu and the Modin Mountains.


Considered one of the most well-organized cavalry units, the Iönderis make up the Royal Cavalry of Anuiönder. Clad in silver armor, they ride upon magnificent Rulag mounts.


The Royal Guard of Lorondir consists of eight members. Adorned in attire consisting of boots, trousers, cuirasses, and black capes, the Iäris are always in close proximity to King Lorondir and Princess Kaya. Under the command of General Elsfênuth, who also oversees the Royal Cavalry of Anuiönder alongside Commander Jaznúdz, the eight Iäris safeguard the lives of the king and princess with their long spears and shields.

The Wizards' War



The name Hoxlu has no relation to the descendants of the Kingdom of Thard, or the Thayad's as it was also known. In reality, it was a deliberate act with a purpose and a reason. A group of Thayad warriors, later accompanied by Queen Ayar, left Ernathurilis due to the war that had befallen that land. When darkness reached the Kingdom of Thard in Ernathurilis, the queen devised a plan to deceive the Lord of Darkness. After all, a secret needed to be guarded. This secret dates back to the First Era of Anahkólion and the Gods of Mount Naumathar. Upon their arrival in Ernt-nador, they occupied the ruins of the ancient Kingdom of Athilas. In the present day, specifically in the year 1974 of the Age of Wizards, Jada is the queen of the Kingdom of Hoxlu. As a direct descendant of the First Lineage of the Thayad's, from the goddess Thard, Ayar still lives thanks to the Amulet or Medallion of the Gods, as the artifact was called. A few referred to it as the Divine Medallion, but such expression has faded over time. The artifact contained a drop of blood from the baby, the father, and the mother, and it was crafted by Jolur, one of the Artificers of the Gods. It bestowed eternal life upon its original bearer, but only if they were of Pure Lineage. The purity of the Thard Lineage was due to the Gontthers who volunteered for the task of reproducing the Thayad's. However, this only occurred until the end of the Fourth Era of Anahkólion. With the escape of the Thayad's from Ernathurilis, their descendants eventually mixed their lineage, and the original power bestowed by the gods was lost, becoming a privilege only for Ayar and some of her warriors. There is a mutual respect between Ayar and the current queen of Hoxlu, Jada. However, many things will be put to the test, and the alliance between the past and the present will tremble. The name of the Kingdom of Hoxlu holds one of the greatest secrets of all Eras and Times. A secret that Ayar carries within her. A secret she fears revealing due to the impact it could have on the worlds that have not yet been dominated by darkness. A secret that reveals "The Origin of Evil."

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The Lineage of Hoxlu directly descends from the Thayad's created by the goddess Thard. Although it was originally a lineage of female warriors from Ernathurilis, unlike the early days of the lineage in Anahkólion, the Kingdom of Hoxlu embraced the mixing of lineages and exponential population growth from the beginning. Thus, the Kingdom of Hoxlu began to be populated rapidly, and in no time, fear ceased to exist, and the curse was never spoken of again. In the beginning, the kingdom was governed by Ayar. Then, after the selection of the queen of Hoxlu, the lineage of the Thayad's mixed with the already diluted Lineage of Naöhrad from the Kingdom of Dorhan. As time passed, alliances were established with Thiurethi - before it received that name - and Lurhumur, and new lineages were created, mixing with the Lineages of Urhul and Reimthor, respectively. The kingdom prospered, and with a strong trade, it did not take long for the four corners of Ernt-nador to hear about the Kingdom of Hoxlu. However, the Lineage of Hoxlu is about to be interrupted, as the current queen, Jada, has not had any heirs nor has she formed a union with anyone.


In the year 1974 of the Time of Wizards, the current queen of Hoxlu is Queen Jada.


The Wizards' War

Queen Jada was born and raised in Ernt-nador. She never knew the ancient realm of the Thayad's in Ernathurilis. Neither before nor after its fall when darkness covered the world. She also never got to know Anahkólion. When she had the opportunity to join the group of women who would travel in secret for conception, she chose not to go. And with that choice, she never had children. In Ernt-nador, the blonde-haired queen who has been reigning for twenty-eight years is respected and admired by the kings, even though she has declined all marriage proposals. She has always governed the Kingdom of Hoxlu with a firm hand. Whenever intervention with other kingdoms was necessary, Jada remained steadfast, and on some occasions, she displayed a coldness and determination that astonished some kings. Since then, she has been called the "Ice Queen." Although Queen Jada is unaware, she still has much to contribute to the kingdoms and the world of Ernt-nador. And long before she can imagine, her life will change completely. A difficult choice will alter the path of the last queen of the Thayad's.

The Wizards' War



As the great queen Thayanar's great-granddaughter, Ayar was born when the kingdom of the Thayad's in Ernathurilis was already established. The daughter of Viulahr and granddaughter of Yanara, Ayar succeeded Queen Thayanar with the magnificence of the great kings of Anahkólion. Like her great-grandmother, Ayar was a beautiful blonde with green eyes and a slender figure. However, her beauty faded when ignited by battle, which unfortunately occurred for a long time and on many occasions. From a young age, Ayar surpassed her mother and grandmother, often being compared to Thayad, the First Woman of the Thayad's Lineage. In a short time, she took command of the Army of the Thayad's. It was her idea to use the Kathand-Ond-nath as transportation and in battles. Being a natural leader, shortly after Thayanar decided for the departure of the Thayad's and the majority of the kingdom to Ernathurilis, Ayar was crowned. In her reign, there were few days of peace. When she wasn't dealing with invaders from other lineages, she had to contend with the most audacious kings who attempted, through marriage proposals, to defile the way of life of the Thayad's and ruin the Lineage of Thard. However, one of the most significant moments occurred when Ayar received an invitation from the goddess Thard herself to help solve a major problem. But she was not to travel to Mount Naumathar alone. On that day, Ayar's life gained a new meaning.



Nurthabia had been serving as the Counselor of Hoxlu since a young age. She was born with a "gift" that most women who had witnessed what she could do referred to as "power". In her adulthood, she was seen as a mature woman of short stature and overweight, which only worsened with age. She was not beautiful, but she also didn't bother anyone's gaze. When she was young, she was neither fat nor thin. However, due to her greatest pleasure being food and never willing to give it up, that fact would change. In the year 1974 of the Age of the Wizards, Nurthabia was already of advanced age by normal standards. At least, that's what the wrinkles on her face detailed. Her once-black hair was now white and disheveled, flowing down her back, further confirming her age. Her droopy blue eyes appeared tired and now displayed various wrinkles. Her thin lips were now wrinkled, complementing the air of experience of the priestess. Overall, her expression conveyed a lifetime of loyalty and dedication to the goddess Thard. Nurthabia was a humble person, uninterested in the frivolities of life. Determined and faithful, she could gladly give her life in the name of the goddess Thard, her kingdom, or the queen. In the final days of her life, she wore loose and dark robes without any luxury. Although she may not realize it, Nurthabia will be put to the test, and her knowledge may jeopardize all the worlds.

The Wizards' War


The Hoxlu Army is exclusively composed of warrior women descended from the Thayad's, although with a mixed Hoxlurian Lineage combined with descendants from the Lineages of Naöhrad, Urhul, and Reimthor due to the extensive blending with the Dorhanians, Thiurethians, and Lurhumurians. Due to tradition, men are not allowed to join the army and are instead expected to engage in any other occupation or serve another kingdom.


In the year 1974 of the Time of the Magicians, the Royal Guard Cavalry of Hoxlu displayed the crest of the Thayad’s emblazoned in gold in the center of their black cuirasses. The helmets were of a shimmering black and featured a central crest. Black shoulder pads supported red capes with gold details on the edges for the higher-ranked warriors, flowing over the backs of the beautiful Affars, the strong horses that descended from the Third Age of Anahkólion, raised in the ancient citadel of Thandar, in the kingdom of Thard. They wielded black lances and long, narrow black and gold shields with the Hoxlu crest. Although it had been determined by Queen Ayar of the Thayad’s kingdom of Ernathurilis that the name of the Thayad’s be abandoned, the last six queens of Hoxlu went against this determination and reintroduced the name and symbols to the kingdom of Hoxlu to honor the goddess Thard. For Queen Ayar, who harbored a secret that could change the course of history if discovered, using the Thayad’s name was seen as reckless due to the problems it could bring to Hoxlu. Although many did not know, Ayar feared the return of evil. The same evil that plagued Ernathurilis. For the former queen, it was only a matter of time before it happened again.


The kingdom of Thiurethi is one of the oldest kingdoms. It began to be built even before Ernt-nador, the Known World, received its name. Uncertain writings claim that Khiurthi's construction began at the end of the First Era of Ernt-nador, but it may have started even before that era. There is no way to be certain. It is also impossible to determine in which Age of Anahkólion this occurred, as there are many discrepancies regarding the accuracy of facts between the worlds. It is estimated that the kingdom's construction was completed towards the end of the Time of Construction, as it was fully established during the Time of Kings. In fact, the counting of lunar years, although not so accurate at that time, in the Time of Kings was influenced by King Kolir, from the new lineage of the kingdom of Khiurthi, descended from the Urhul Lineage, although the authorship of the Lunar Calendar of Ernt-nador was attributed to Wol-kunt. After the Time of Shadows, which marked the beginning of the First Era of Ernt-nador, possibly situated between the Sixth and Seventh Ages of Anahkólion, Khiurthi came to be called Thiurethi. This period saw great expansions of the Thiurethi kingdom. The Thiur Wall and the Thiurun Onck Fort, located to the South, and the Thiurun Fend Fort, situated to the North of the wall, were constructed. Just like Dorhan, Thiurethi was undertaking a project that protected the entire kingdom, guarded from North to South.


The Wizards' War


The Wizards' War


Thiurethi Castle was built during the time it was still called Khiurthi. It is located on the slope of a high mountain, with the Citadel of Thiurethi spread out far below. It is one of the largest kingdoms, second only to Dorhan, and one of the most respected for its history and the protection it provides at the Port of Thiureth, which is nothing more than a large citadel guarded by a massive wall.


The Thiur Wall is incredibly tall. It was constructed with large and sturdy stones, spanning from North to South and protecting the entrance that leads to the fortifications of the Citadel and Thiurethi Castle, along with the outposts and the Port of Thiureth. The great wall is guarded and garrisoned by the Thiurun Onck and Thiurun Fend Forts, built at different times according to the needs and urges of the era.


The Fort of the South, known as Thiurun Onck Fort, is located at the southernmost point of the Thiur Wall and guards the southern entrance of the kingdom of Thiurethi. It is three times larger than Thiurun Fend. Erroneously referred to as a fort, Thiurun Onck Fort is, in reality, considered a small citadel in modern times, consisting of several buildings that were once used as trading posts with Luxur and Lurhumur, among other nearby outposts. It features numerous sentinel towers and, in times of war, has the capacity to accommodate up to three thousand soldiers of Thiurethi.


Located in the northern part, Fort Thiurun Fend is smaller compared to Fort South, but this is due to specific reasons. It was the first of the forts to be built, and for that reason, everything that had not been planned for it was improved in Fort Onck. The urgency in its construction was due to the problems faced at the time with the rival kingdoms of Ashin and Anuiönder. With the need to be prepared for potential attacks, it ended up being less planned and much smaller than Fort Thiurun Onck, which was built in times of peace and tranquility. However, it's not possible to make comparisons between the two. While Onck even developed trade – until it was transferred to the kingdom's citadel – Fort Thiurun Fend was specifically created for military activities, and as a result, its entire structure is geared towards that purpose.


The lineage of the kingdom of Thiurethi is directly connected to the First Lineage of Urhul. Like the other lineages that settled in Ernt-nador, Thiurethi, initially known as Khiurthi, eventually mixed its blood with other lineages and, over time, lost the divine power bestowed by the gods. Respecting the existing traditions in Anahkólion, Thiurethi became one of the great kingdoms of Ernt-nador, the Known World.


In the year 1974 of the Wizards' Time, the current king of Thiurethi is King Unthis, son of Unthan.


The Wizards' War

In the year 1974 of the Wizards' Time, Unthis, the third son of Unthan and a descendant of the great King Brenthon, is the king of Thiurethi. Unthis is a caring king who is concerned about the well-being of his subjects, although he carries a sense of sadness from the loss of his queen at a young age, as well as their child. He tries not to show his emotions, prioritizing his royal duties above all else. As a politician, he holds a position as a mediator in the High Council of Kings in Dorhan. He maintains good relations with all the kingdoms, although there have been some minor disagreements in the past with Ginlafar, the king of Ashin. Respected by his peers, Unthis has an influential voice in the trade politics of Ernt-nador and is considered the most egalitarian king by Hurmond, the king of Dorhan. In Unthis's view, the kings should come together and create a Trade Council, adopting a single currency and fostering a solid and respectable commerce that would lead to equal prosperity among all the kingdoms. However, others see this as a whimsical notion that would strip away the freedom and decision-making power of the individual kingdoms and their trades. Not to mention the issue of taxes, which would need to be strictly quantified and could restrict certain trades that currently adjust their prices based on the financial capacity of the purchasing kingdom. Despite some unpleasant situations for a few of his peers, Unthis maintains a friendship with Hurmond, and both share the desire to see Daynax and Mylénea united to strengthen the bond between Thiurethi and Dorhan.


Known as the Thiurodins, the Royal Cavalry presents themselves in black armor with silver details, mounted on Lárays. Among the duties of the Thiurodins is patrolling the kingdom up to the Port of Thiureth and the borders of Thiurethi, which encompass the Thiurun Onck and Thiurun Fend Forts.


Known as "The Six Swords," the Thiurons form the King's Guard. They are the men who protect the king every step of the way. Often imperceptible, but always within a few steps of the king, they wield their swords. They wear armor ranging from dark gray to light gray, with golden details at the edges, and their attire matches their armor. Additionally, they wear black capes with gray and gold accents.


The Thiuronaths are the members of the Palace Guard. However, only a portion of the guard is stationed within the castle, and they do not wear armor but rather clothing in shades of gray, with black corselets and helmets adorned with the Thiurethi emblem. Another portion of the Thiuronaths guards the citadel while mounted on horses, while the part stationed within the castle works on foot.


The coat of arms depicts two mountains united by the blade of a sword.


The blue flag of Thiurethi displays three swords crossing inside a crescent moon.

The Wizards' War


Even with King Unthis actively reigning, Daynax commands respect across all levels, from the Thiurodins to the Thiuronaths and even the Thiurons.


The Wizards' War

As the only child of King Unthis, Prince Daynax is the rightful heir to the throne of Thiurethi. Despite holding the second-highest position in the kingdom after his father, Daynax takes on all the responsibilities across all levels of command. He frequently represents the kingdom of Thiurethi in the High Council of Kings, which convenes in Dorhan from time to time. Unbeknownst to Daynax, this arrangement is a pact between his father and King Hurmond, a way to bring Daynax closer to Mylénea, the princess of Dorhan, despite their age difference, with the prince of Thiurethi being the younger one. Although he is young for the responsibilities he assumes, Daynax is a serious man of few words. With the respect and deference of all commanders, he navigates through every part of the Thiurethi army, from the Thiurodins to the Thiurethi Cavalry, the Thiuronaths in the Palace Guard, and the Thiurons, the "Six Swords" of the king. Prince Daynax will be one of the first to encounter and face the Army of Sorcerers in its early stages. And without realizing it, he will receive assistance from one of the most enigmatic legends of Ernt-nador. Daynax will play a crucial role in the realms of men, to the point where his actions will reverberate in decisions that will alter events and change the course of history.

The Wizards' War



The kingdom of Lurhumur began to take shape towards the end of the Time of Construction under the reign of King Thindurem, a descendant of the pure First Lineage of Reimthor from Anahkólion. Located to the West, with its shores facing the Isle of Athilum, it lies to the North of the Great Cliffs, which later adopted the name Lurhumur. The constructions of the kingdom of Lurhumur were completed during the Time of Kingdoms under the reign of King Pelerthor. The founders of the kingdom of Lurhumur carry a secret brought from Anahkólion, something that caused a conflict leading to a war within the Lineage of Reimthor. This war completely altered the history of the Reimthor Lineage and other lineages of Anahkólion, sparking the Great War of Lineages.




The origins of the descendants of the kingdom of Lurhumur trace back to one of the original lineages of Anahkólion. However, this lineage became widely known and recognized in Ernt-nador due to one man: Reim, the Archer. A direct descendant of the Reimthor Lineage, Reim fought in several battles in Ernathurilis, Ernthys, and Ernt-nador. The purity of his lineage, however, came to an end when the kings of Ernt-nador began uniting their descendants to establish peace.


In the year 1974 of the Age of Wizards, the current king of Lurhumur is King Linthumanur, son of Burhmanur.


The Wizards' War

One of the wisest and most respected kings of Ernt-nador is the king of Lurhumur. Approaching the end of his time, Linthumanur, son of the great King Onthanundir, awaits his impending passing to hand over the royal baton to his only daughter, Alyar. In his youth, he managed to have two other male heirs, but one was taken by a severe winter and fever, while the other was killed while trying to break up a fight among the Lurhumurian guard. These two tragic misfortunes weigh heavily on his life. As a result, there is no male heir left to perpetuate the lineage of Reimthor, even though it has been diluted through unions with other lineages throughout the Times. Despite his advanced age, King Linthumanur will play an important role in the last year of the age of Wizards. It will be up to the king of Lurhumur to make the crucial decision of whether to help or let his neighbor succumb to the power of evil. This moment will bring forth ancient animosities from past wars and stir up memories of stories that created supposedly resolved rivalries. The king Linthumanur will face the difficult decision of whether to unite the kingdoms or let them all perish in the face of his own resentment. It is a challenging decision that will change the course of history for both good and evil.


The Wizards' War

One of the most peculiar counselors in all of Ernt-nador is Fymdamwe, the Royal Counselor of Lurhumur. In addition to being a completely unconventional figure, Fymdamwe stands out from the magicians as he is neither friendly nor cordial. Physiognomically, he is extremely thin, almost emaciated, with long disheveled white hair tied in poorly-made braids. Two bones of an unidentified creature hang from strands near his protruding ears. His skin is wrinkled beyond normal, giving him an immeasurable age. His bushy eyebrows contribute to his sinister appearance, while his terrifyingly chilling black eyes loom beneath. To complete this eerie scene, his face sports a nose that resembles an eagle's beak, accompanied by a prominent chin topped with thin lips that guard the few remaining teeth he possesses. Although he appears loyal to the king and Lurhumur, Fymdamwe hides something from his past that was never questioned by the late King Onthanundir, the father of Linthumanur.


The Royal Cavalry of Lurhumur is affectionately known as the Lurhinís. The Lurhinís have the obligation and duty to guard the kingdom of Lurhumur, its king, and successors. Clad in vibrant red armor with golden details, the Lurhinís ride atop beautiful Máinsas.


The Royal Guard of Lurhumur is called the Lurhs. Also known as the Palace Guard, the Lurhs are selected directly from the Royal Cavalry of the Lurhinís and undergo specialized training focused on the protection and security of the king. The difference, however, is that the Palace Guard does not ride mounts, and their armor is gray with shiny silver details. The primary duty of the Lurhs is closely tied to the Lurhumur throne and the longevity of the king and kingdom.

The Wizards' War

The only descendant of King Linthumanur from the First Lineage of Reimthor, created by Jad, the God of Precision, in Anahkólion, is Princess Alyar.



The Wizards' War

As a direct descendant of the First Lineage of Reimthor, created by Jad, the God of Precision, in Anahkólion, Alyar is considered the only daughter of King Linthumanur. Although aware of the existence of Linthur, the unacknowledged bastard son of her father, Alyar is fully aware that the Throne of Lurhumur will fall upon her shoulders. Because of this, she seizes every opportunity to be close to King Linthumanur. The king, in turn, appreciates having a beautiful and committed daughter by his side, devoted to the future of Lurhumur. Despite her angelic beauty, Princess Alyar reveals herself to be a woman of great strength and determination, with a proud and resolute personality. There is no fear or apprehension in her gentle features, but rather a dignified resolve fit for a great queen. Alyar is a stunning woman, as beauty emanates from every part of her body: her long hair, the color of honey, is often tied in a braid adorned with golden threads; her face is fair and delicate, with beautiful green eyes that radiate the light of the sea, complementing her well-shaped lips. When in the kingdom, she usually wears lightweight dresses that accentuate her firm and ample breasts, as well as her pronounced hips. Her waist is slender and delicate, matching her well-toned arms and legs. Her beauty is reminiscent of her late mother, who passed away long ago. Given the circumstances, Alyar knows that it is only a matter of time before she must assume the important responsibilities that come with ruling the kingdom of Lurhumur.

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