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The Supreme Order of Wizards of Yondar has existed for many Eras and Times and is composed of the Seven Wizards of Yondar. The reference to the name of the Order of Wizards is linked to the name of the First Wizard: Yondar. Thus, the Order of Wizards originated with the emergence of the First Hísthalar. The Order of Wizards is located in the Realm of Wizards, to the East of Ernt-nador, the Known World, as it is called by some kingdoms. Since the First Era of Ernt-nador, the Order of Wizards has consisted of Seven Wizards. The nomenclature used by the Order of Wizards is based on the importance of the wizard and occurs in descending order, from the Seventh to the First Wizard, with the first being referred to as the Master of Wizards. The Seventh Wizard holds the most recent position in the Order of Wizards, but this does not imply being an apprentice wizard; it is merely related to the control, refinement, and direction of their power. The Seventh Wizard is of great importance. However, as the rank decreases from Sixth, Fifth, to Second Wizard, knowledge, power, commitment, and responsibility within the Order of Wizards increase. Naturally, the Master of Wizards, being the most powerful, ancient, and experienced among all seven wizards. But of course, it was not always like this. The Supreme Order of Wizards of Yondar received this name only in Ernt-nador, due to its achievements and services to the realms of men. Throughout most of the Eras of Anahkólion - from the First to the Seventh Eras - the Order of Wizards had only one wizard, the First Hísthalar: Yondar. The other wizards emerged much later, in Ernt-nador, due to previous predictions by goddesses and events that led to a great and difficult decision among the gods, culminating in the creation of the Order of Wizards. Here begins the great journey of the First Wizard, which led to the emergence of the greatest and most powerful entity formed by a group of individuals since the Gods of Anahkólion: The Order of Wizards of Yondar.


The Realm of Wizards is located in the East of Ernt-nador, the Known World. It was mostly built during the Time of Goddesses. Within its boundaries stood the Tower of Yondar, the First of the Ten Magical Towers of the Wizards. The Magical Towers were gifts from the ancient gods, including Thuror, the God of Gods and father of Thur, the current God of Gods. Although the transfer of divine gifts happened through Thur, the son of Thuror, some attribute the Ten Towers to the current God of Gods rather than his father, Thuror. The Realm of Wizards consists of other towers and buildings, and it houses many people who work within the kingdom, as well as in the Citadel of Gonas. The Citadel of Knowledge, which was once attributed to Wol-kunt, became part of the Realm of Wizards after the Time of Shadows. It is home to the greatest source of knowledge that exists.

The Wizards' War


The Wizards' War


The Realm of Wizards is located in the East of Ernt-nador, the Known World. It was mostly built during the Time of Goddesses. Within its boundaries stood the Tower of Yondar, the First of the Ten Magical Towers of the Wizards. The Magical Towers were gifts from the ancient gods, including Thuror, the God of Gods and father of Thur, the current God of Gods. Although the transfer of divine gifts happened through Thur, the son of Thuror, some attribute the Ten Towers to the current God of Gods rather than his father, Thuror. The Realm of Wizards consists of other towers and buildings, and it houses many people who work within the kingdom, as well as in the Citadel of Gonas. The Citadel of Knowledge, which was once attributed to Wol-kunt, became part of the Realm of Wizards after the Time of Shadows. It is home to the greatest source of knowledge that exists.

The Wizards' War



The Wizards' War

The emergence of the First Wizard is not accurately recorded, as it was with Yondar that the counting of time began to be truly studied. In this sense, we can say that Yondar was truly consecrated when he came to be recognized by the kingdoms of Anahkólion. It is true that Naöhrad already had knowledge of Yondar's existence, but it took some time for the two to meet in person. This is because it took Cycles for Yondar to understand his mission and purpose in the world of Anahkólion, long before the First Era received such a name. It is important to understand that Yondar did not simply appear in the world. It took a long time and many accomplishments for the majority of the kings of Anahkólion to come to respect and admire the First Wizard.

Here begins the story of Yondar.

The Wizards' War


The Supreme Order of Wizards of Yondar consists of seven wizards who are ranked in descending order, with the Seventh Wizard being the most recent and the Second Wizard being the most experienced. The First Wizard holds the title of Master of the Wizards and is the most powerful among them all. It is the duty of the Master of the Wizards to guide the world of men and preside over the Supreme Council of Wizards throughout the coming Times and Eras.

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For you to understand the structure, we will present each of the members of the Order of Wizards, as of the year 1974 in the Age of the Wizards. It is important to note that prior to this time, such as in the Time of Dragons, for example, the Order had some other members who will be duly introduced when the story deems it necessary.


The Wizards' War

The First Hísthalar or Wizard to emerge in the worlds was Yondar. From an early age, young Yondar realized he was different from others. His journey was crucial in shaping the worlds and the paths forged by the First Lineages of Men, especially the First Lineage of Naöhrad. Throughout the Eras and Times, Yondar gained more and more experience, along with unimaginable powers that carried a weighty responsibility on his shoulders. However, no matter how powerful he became, Yondar couldn't prevent the wars and destruction caused by the existing lineages. His role was significant and often decisive, from Anahkólion to Anathurilis, from Ernathurilis to Ernthys. Until he received the final and perhaps the greatest mission from Thuror, the God of Gods. A sudden rupture was created from that moment on. Yondar's world crumbled in a day, only to be reborn in another. Certain things had always intrigued Yondar - feelings and premonitions that had accompanied him since the First War against the Kingdom of Darkness. Something he called "The Origin of Evil." It resurfaced in the year 1974 of the Age of the Wizards and haunted him once again. Regardless of the price he had to pay, Yondar was determined to uncover it. The successor to the Order of Wizards, though unaware, had already been chosen. With that thought in mind, Yondar is about to embark on his greatest adventure, from Anahkólion to his departure from Ernthys. It will be the Master of Wizards' final adventure - to confront The Origin of Evil and put an end to it or die trying.

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The Wizards' War

The Second Wizard was unaware of his difference and never suspected it until he reached a certain age. In fact, he had been an ordinary person from a very young age. His childhood was not easy or pleasant. Before reaching adulthood, his parents were killed when the caravan they were traveling in was attacked by the Knights Without Kingdoms. Although he was unaware, this event occurred in the lunar year 685 of the Time of the Kings. Since then, Tauran'z wandered for a while until he was found by a man who gave him an opportunity and a path to follow, for which he was grateful and readily accepted. This humble man, with unquestionable intelligence and known by all the kings of Ernt-nador, was none other than the Grand Master Althamar of the Citadel of Wol-kunt, also known as the City of Light, for being the birthplace of knowledge in Ernt-nador. There, Tauran'z grew and learned, and even at an advanced age to continue as an apprentice, he remained in the Citadel, embraced by the place and all who lived there. Until one night, Tauran'z witnessed an event that completely changed the course of his life and the Citadel of Wol-kunt. In a sudden confrontation, Tauran'z discovered he was a wizard and ultimately became the Second Wizard. From then on, it was only a matter of time before Yondar and Tauran'z crossed paths in one of the most challenging moments in the history of Ernt-nador.


The Wizards' War

Although records indicate that the wizard Hundiwus emerged after the beginning of the Time of the Goddesses, this statement is not entirely true. Hundiwus appeared in one of the most critical moments of Ernt-nador, during the Time of Shadows. Despite appearing towards the end of that period, his aid was of extreme importance to an Order that, although existing in sentiment, was not yet consolidated in the world of Ernt-nador's men. At the time of his appearance, Hundiwus held the position of the Fifth Wizard, with his ascension occurring only at the end of the Age of Dragons. Even without Salarath and Loir, who would later occupy the positions of Third and Fourth Wizards, respectively, having been found, Hundiwus was incredibly significant to the world of Ernt-nador. The wizard Hundiwus emerged more powerful than Yondar could have imagined and brought with him the energy and power of a goddess highly respected by the First Wizard. Hundiwus' power manifested for the first time when his village was attacked by creatures of darkness brought by Húr, the Lord of Shadows. Unbeknownst to him, he played a fundamental role in changing the events of that shadow period.

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The Wizards' War

Manthakos emerged slightly before the wizard Dioreth, during a complicated period between the end of the Time of Shadows and the beginning of the Time of the Goddesses. He assisted the Order in structuring and organizing itself during a delicate time after the chaos in Ernt-nador, the Known World. Kingdoms needed to be informed and summoned, a complete restructuring had to be carried out, and people had to be guided into a new life. Some of the remaining Laienürimim needed to be closed, and kings and citadels that were secluded needed to receive news about many places that ceased to exist during the period when darkness covered the world. His appearance reassured Yondar, who was already concerned about the powers of the last two gods that were still to be found. With the emergence of Manthakos, who at the time occupied the position of the Sixth Wizard, the Order of the Wizards was complete. His presence and role during the Age of Dragons were highly significant and helped establish him as one of the bravest and most fearless wizards. In the last year of the Age of the Wizards, the wizard Manthakos will be so crucial and important that his actions could determine the fate of Ernt-nador in a Time that has not yet been born.


The Wizards' War

During the first year of the Time of the Goddesses, Dioreth finally found the Order of the Wizards. He had already passed his youth, and his life had been a mystery that he himself did not remember and preferred not to talk about. In some conversations with the Master of the Wizards, Yondar tried to uncover past memories that would help him understand how Dioreth had come to the Kingdom of the Wizards, but had no success. It was as if he had been born in that very moment. Yondar himself, along with the Second Wizard, Tauran'z, attempted to delve into Dioreth's mind, but whenever they reached a certain point, a black stain blocked their progress. This perplexed Dioreth, as he couldn't explain how he possessed such power and had no idea where it had come from or about his past. This confounded the Fifth Wizard, but it worried the Master of the Wizards even more. He had thought that perhaps the power bestowed upon Dioreth had caused that rupture in his memory at the moment of their encounter. The truth is that, despite their efforts to uncover what had happened to the wizard, they were never successful. Due to their concerns, Dioreth came under the observation of the High Council of the Wizards, but over time, as they got to know the wonderful person that Dioreth was to everyone, those concerns were forgotten and set aside.

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The Wizards' War

The Sixth Wizard was considered the quietest, most thoughtful, and introspective of all the wizards. Yondar understood that perhaps the energy and power of the Wizard Loir were present within him. He appeared in the Order of the Wizards after the Realm of the Wizards had been established, still during the Time of the Goddesses. Although occupying the sixth place in the Order, his power of dialogue, persuasion, and negotiation was heavily utilized in the meetings of the council of the kingdoms. It was his idea to create the High Council of Kings among the realms of Ashin, Anuiönder, Hoxlu, Thiurethi, Lurhumur, and Dorhan, to put an end to disputes and small wars. The task also fell upon the wizard Lattunish to travel throughout Ernt-nador, delivering news of changes in time and era, so that people could adjust themselves in the time and space of Ernt-nador, the Known World, as some men called it. Though it may not seem so, Lattunish has an important role to fulfill, for it will be upon him to guard the greatest kingdom of Ernt-nador when evil befalls the world. It will also be on his shoulders to face perhaps the greatest and most powerful enemy of the Order of the Wizards after Húr.


The Wizards' War

Arkanian is the most recent wizard in the Order, however, that does not mean he is inexperienced. Although he does not fully understand his power and therefore has not fully tested it, Arkanian is one of the most powerful wizards. The lack of knowledge about his powers stems from the fact that he has rarely needed to use them to their fullest extent since joining the Order of the Wizards. Peace and tranquility prevailed during this period, but there came a time when that changed. In the year 1974 of the Age of the Wizards, the Seventh Wizard not only discovered the full extent of his powers but also their origin. With this discovery, a new wizard emerged to change the course of Ernt-nador's history. Thus, Arkanian will have one of the most significant and important roles in the outcome of the events that will unfold. One encounter was enough for him to put everything he has at the disposal of the Supreme Order of the Wizards of Yondar.

The Wizards' War


When certain events occurred in Anahkólion, Akala, the Goddess of the Future and the Unknown, and Hélis, the Goddess of Destiny, had similar and concerning visions about the future of humans and gods. Kayla, the Goddess of Vision, had already seen that the fate of the world of humans and gods was shrouded in darkness. During the War of the Gods in Ernthys, some events confirmed these visions and led a small group of gods to make difficult but important decisions. One of them was to give the Seven Hísthalar who would arise in the future with ten towers, each of them containing a Laiëntharin - a Magical Gate - horizontally. Later, they would become known as "The Ten Towers of the Wizards." That's what some of the gods did in absolute secrecy. Thur, son of Thuror, the then God of Gods, fulfilled his father's promise to Yondar and handed over the Ten Magical Towers. Although the Magical Towers were discovered separately, they all appeared simultaneously in Ernt-nador. The Magical Towers, through the Laiëntharin - Magical Gates -, helped the wizards move throughout the world of Ernt-nador. Each Magical Tower had its own Laiëntharin and knew the destination of all the other towers. This facilitated the transportation of the wizards during times of peace, but especially during times of war. And there were indeed many of these difficult times.


The Laiëntharin were the fastest, if not instantaneous, means of traveling to any place in the world from Anahkólion to Ernt-nador. Thus, when the First Lineages of Men were created, each of them received one of the Magical Gates in a hall within their castles, private courtyards, or somewhere within the domains of the lineage. There was no difference between the internal and external Laiëntharin, as they all served the same purpose. However, it was more common for most of those located indoors to be presented horizontally in a circular shape, as was the case with the Ten Towers of the Wizards. But this rule was not absolute, as they could also appear in the form of "doors". On the other hand, the Magical Gates located outside of these enclosed spaces, that is, in any open location, predominantly took the form of large rings. The exception was the "doors" that appeared engraved on the exteriors or interiors of mountains.

The Wizards' War



The Tower of Yondar is referred to as the First Tower and is considered the most powerful and important among the ten Towers of the Wizards. It is located in the realm of the Wizards, in the east of Ernt-nador. Within the tower, named after the First Hísthalar, ancient books are stored, dating back to the beginning of the Eras, containing not only the secrets of the wizards but also the history of all the worlds from Anahkólion to Ernt-nador. Along with the Tower of Yondar, two other towers are found in the realm of the Wizards: the Tower of Lorhandhor and the Tower of Usthernth. While they are also Magic Towers, they can only travel between the Laiëntharin present in the three towers, whereas the Tower of Yondar allows transportation to all the other nine towers scattered throughout Ernt-nador.

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The Wizards' War


The Second Tower is called Zeynôr and is located on the perilous island of Aquinaim. Bathed by the turbulent and tempestuous sea and Alhas, the island of Aquinaim or Land of the Great Black Dragons is situated Southeast of the Magicians' Kingdom. Guarded, one might say hidden, among the many mountains known as the Black Gorges, the Zeynôr Tower was extensively used during the final days of the Dragon Age.

The Wizards' War


The Whükir Tower is the Third Tower of the Mages, but it is called the Secret Tower of the Mages. Even though it has been opened, it has never actually been used and perhaps never will be. Although Yondar has been to its location a few times, when he needed to activate the ten towers, he never left his domains. Still in Ernthys, the mage Yondar was warned by Thuror about the importance of this tower for the future of the World of Men, alerting that at the opportune moment, the Whükir Tower could be used. And Yondar would know when that moment arrived. What the two highest-ranking mages know is that there is a mystery involving the location of the Whükir Tower. And, if the time comes, other mysteries will be unraveled.



After Marhum, the Dark Wizard, was imprisoned in the Othûmm Pit at the end of the Shadow Era, the Fourth Tower of the Wizards came to be considered by some as the second most important of all ten Magical Towers, if not the most important. The Othûmmur Tower is located in the central part of the Eastern edge of Ernt-nador, approximately 124 leagues or 600 kilometers north of the Wizards' Kingdom.

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The Wizards' War


The Yngûz Tower, the Fifth Tower of the Wizards, was discovered during the Era of the Goddesses. During the Dragon Era, it played a vital role in the movement of the wizards towards the South of Ernt-nador, the Known World, to observe the movements of the "Great Black Fire" as the Black Dragons came to be called. Located at the eastern tip of Tarakinas Bay, the Yngûz Tower guarded the southern border of the World of Men.

The Wizards' War



The Ebosmirad Tower is considered the Sixth Tower of the Wizards. It is located in the central region of Ernt-nador, to the east of the Kendhar Desert. It played a crucial role in monitoring the expansion of peoples throughout the world and was essential in organizing and protecting the citadel of Prisel. It also assisted in the transportation of the wizards and avengers when caravans started disappearing without explanation in the desert valleys of Narth.

The Wizards' War


The Wizards' War


The Seventh Tower of the Wizards is situated within the ancient Citadel of Eberthûndor, located west of Dorhan. Besides the Tower of Yondar, situated in the realm of the Wizards, the Ebe Tower is the only one located within a citadel. Along with the Citadel of Eberthûndor, the pinnacle called Ebe holds in secrecy what transpired in the place and gave origin to the name of the Bay of Wrulls. It shares the same mystery that surrounds the arrival of Húr, the Lord of Shadows, the Legend of the Wrulls, and the curse of the Citadel of Eberthûndor.

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The Daumathazor Tower, the Eighth Tower of the Wizards, holds a mystery that has been shrouded in secrecy for many years. Located in the far north of Ernt-nador, near the Northern Peak, on the island of Daumath, Daumathazor has been used on multiple occasions, but only by two specific magicians. They are the only ones who know and guard what the island conceals—a secret that will be revealed when the time that governs the worlds is nearing its end.

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The Wizards' War

Located within the domain of the kingdom of Anuiönder, Ishlygliash, the Tenth Tower of the Wizards, played a significant role in transporting the magi to mediate the conflicts that occurred when the kingdoms of Anuiönder and Ashin had to address their differences through wars and battles for territories after the Time of Shadows.


The Wizards' War



Located near the last of the Frozen Mountains of Ashin, Rhalôyr Tower, the Tower of the WIzards, played a significant role in monitoring the North of Ernt-nador, specifically when creatures known as "Nords" attacked villages and citadels of the kingdom of Ashin during the end of the Time of the Goddesses.

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