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The gods of Anahkólion were created by Naumathar to govern and control the lineages that would populate the Six Worlds from Anahkólion to Ernt-nador. In total, twenty gods were created: ten gods and ten goddesses. The greatest and most powerful of all the gods is Thuror, the God of Gods.


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Known by many gods as the First God or Ondukand-thus, which roughly translates to "Lord of the Gods," Thuror was the first of a Divine Lineage to be created by Naumathar. Due to his uniqueness, Thuror's power was many times greater than that of the other gods, which in a way granted him a special status in the Castle of Light. From the beginning, Thuror sought to unite the gods and learn about their ideas for the worlds being created by Naumathar and the responsibilities and roles to be fulfilled by each of them. To this end, he created the High Council of the Gods, which later became known simply as the High Council. The High Council always took place in the main hall of the Castle of Light, on Mount Naumathar, and addressed issues relevant to the six worlds. As the First God, Thuror was always in contact with Naumathar, and therefore, significant decisions made in the early Eras had his sole intervention, a fact that displeased some of his peers. From the conflicts among the gods – it is important to understand that there were ego clashes among the gods – to the war unleashed against the Acrons after the liberation of the Fortress of Thorcranom, Thuror actively participated in all decisions. On numerous occasions, he even had to punish certain gods for actions that contradicted Naumathar's interests or went against what the gods envisioned for the future of the worlds and the Lineages of Men. Unbeknownst to him at the time, Thuror inadvertently created enemies who would reveal themselves in later Eras during the so-called "War of the Gods." Among all the decisions made by Thuror, the God of Gods, who later became a companion to Aynar and the father of Thur, had three secrets that would haunt him until the end of his days – three well-guarded secrets that will be discovered and revealed, marking the end of an Era. Tall, with blue eyes and long light brown hair, Thuror was the strongest god of them all. He was respected for his demeanor and actions but also feared and despised by some gods, particularly those who did not accept certain decisions. Although he had the acceptance and agreement of the majority, the God of Gods often had to impose his will by force. Perhaps the gods did not know, as they came into existence long after Thuror already existed, but his actions continued to respect Naumathar's desires for the worlds that were created. It was Thuror's responsibility to respect and enforce the creator's will. Early in his leadership over the gods, Thuror faced the great challenge of confronting the creatures that began to emerge in Anahkólion. It was the first time that the Sacred Weapons forged by the Artificers of the Gods were used. These creatures were driven out of the Laienürimim, the Black Portals, or so the goddess Maráhadar discovered long afterward. As the first god, Thuror created the First Lineage of Naöhrad and worked alongside King Naöhrad himself to expand the domains in Anahkólion, Anathurilis, and Erntathurilis.

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Among all the decisions made by Thuror, the God of Gods, who later became a companion to Aynar and the father of Thur, there were three decisions that would haunt him until the end of his days – three well-guarded secrets that will be discovered and revealed throughout the Eras. Tall, with blue eyes and long blond hair, Thuror was the strongest god of them all. He was respected for his demeanor and actions but also feared and despised by some gods, particularly those who did not accept certain decisions. Although he had the acceptance and agreement of the majority, the God of Gods often had to impose his will by force. Perhaps the gods did not know, as they came into existence long after Thuror already existed, but his actions always followed Naumathar's desires for the worlds that were created. It was Thuror's responsibility to respect and enforce the creator's will. Early in his leadership over the gods, Thuror faced the great challenge of confronting the creatures that began to emerge in Anahkólion. It was the first time that the Weapons crafted by the Artificers of the Gods were used. These creatures, as later

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After the creation of the worlds by Naumathar, it was understood that other beings would need to be created to control and assist in populating these places. These beings were named gods. Each of the gods had a specific power over aspects of the worlds. Olthom was tasked with caring for and governing the realms of all the seas and rivers that surrounded and flowed through the worlds. Olthom's strength and power came from the waters, but their influence could also extend to the land, always near rivers or springs. As one of the most dedicated gods to the High Council and the creation of the worlds, Olthom assisted the Gods of Mount Naumathar in battling and imprisoning countless creatures that emerged in the waters surrounding and flowing through the worlds. It was Olthom's responsibility to create the Third Lineage of Dokhenar, together with Thuror, in Anahkólion. Olthom's power was contained in their spear, which could have three to five prongs depending on their choice. Although it was a Sacred Weapon, it could be wielded by the pure representatives of their lineage or the First Lineages. Olthom had a calm and captivating personality, which caught the attention of Akala, the Goddess of the Future and the Unknown. Together, they had two children: Isha and Thom.



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One of the most important gods for Mount Naumathar was Ninthiglior, the God of the White Flame. The White Flame, as it was called, is a rare and peculiar power that deals with the channeled energy of every creature in the universe and directly connects to the power of Naumathar's "White Flame." The "White Flame," the name for the individual energy within each person, has the power to resurrect a life as long as it is good and has a pure heart. This power also manifests as white flames that burst forth in the form of a powerful ray. Ninthiglior's power is also channeled into the Sacred Sword called Nilglior. In addition to being a beautiful Sacred Weapon, Nilglior can release a white ray mixed with a shimmering blue and can be wielded by any pure lineage man. As the creator of the Third Lineage of Zoneash, Ninthiglior was one of the last gods to develop an affection for someone. Together with the goddess Thard, they had Nitharla.



Every creation requires care to become as close to perfection as possible, and this applies not only to weapons but also to individuals. In the beginning, that was the care Jad, the God of Precision, had to take. Over time, through battles against numerous creatures that roamed the worlds from unknown places and the Laienürimim, Jad became known for his incredible precision in combat strikes. Thus, Jad came to be called the "God of Precision." However, the precision Jad referred to was directly related to the actions of the men from his lineage: the First Lineage of Reimthor. Later, as various wars erupted in Anahkólion, precision came to refer to the countless battles and their consequences. For this reason, Jad had a bow made that would never miss its intended target. The Magical Weapon was crafted by the master artisans Kaur and Novax and was named the "Bow of Jad." Considered one of the most thoughtful gods, Jad caught the interest of Kaylar, the Goddess of Vision. However, that was not the main reason. Kaylar approached Jad because of his blindness. Jad could not see anything, but with Kaylar, he could see everything. Jad's lack of sight resulted in their connection and, ultimately, their union. Together, they had two children: Donuris and Aladis.

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When the gods were created by Naumathar, many of them did not have a defined purpose beyond their existence and the duty to control and guide the lineage that would be created later, once the world was secure. Unöuthareb was one of these gods. As the wielder of Unthôrack, the Black Axe, one of the most powerful Sacred Weapons crafted by Morlock, the first Artisan of the Gods, Unöuthareb had the ability to control the power that resided in the depths of the worlds. Considered one of Naumathar's most powerful gods, Unöuthareb was entrusted with the guardianship and security of the Black Abyss, the place where many creatures were imprisoned during the period known as the Time Before the First Era of Anahkólion. As the creator of the First Lineage of Urhul, Unöuthareb played a significant role when the "Great War'' broke out. With a more youthful appearance than the other gods, Unöuthareb approached Maráhadar to assist in the study of the Laienürimim, the Black Portals. Through their proximity and a certain affinity, they united and had a beautiful daughter: Maráhathas.


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When the worlds were created, there was chaos and disharmony in nature. Thunderstorms and lightning occurred constantly in various parts of the seas, wreaking havoc on the land. One thing that is not mentioned, but indeed occurred, is that the gods were also created to help balance the scales that affected the harmony between the sky and the earth. More precisely, to assist Naumathar in organizing the worlds and everything that would be created within them. Nurhul was the god who had a certain ease in controlling the lightning and reducing the impact it had on the worlds. Alongside Olthom, he resolved the issues of the seas. And for this reason, Nurhul came to be known as the "God of Lightning." At his request, a significant portion of his power was channeled into a weapon. The Sacred Weapon forged by the masters Morlock and Novax was named the "Spear of Nurhul." Later, due to numerous problems caused by the wars occurring in the worlds, the "Spear of Nurhul" was entrusted to the Second Lineage of Vortox by the god himself. However, it is speculated that the Spear may have been stolen during those dark days by some other Lineage. Through their affinities, Nurhul joined with the goddess Onusar, and from their union came two children: Nurdhor and Alisas.

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In the beginning, Amagdor discovered that he had powers related to the control of winds that ravaged the seas and the worlds, from Anahkólion to Ernt-nador, even before it was named. Alongside Nurhul, the "God of Lightning," Amagdor managed to diminish and regulate the strength of the winds that accompanied thunderstorms and lightning. One of the most dedicated gods to the High Council and the purposes of Naumathar, Amagdor began to challenge the power and some singular decisions of Thuror, the God of Gods. According to Amagdor, Thuror excluded the High Council from several decisions regarding situations that deserved the knowledge and input of all. As the creator of the Second Lineage of Nosferac, Amagdor bestowed upon his lineage the Amagdorum Cape, the Amag Bracelets, and the Amagdor Mask, all crafted by Äirfax as the main artisan. From the very beginning, he developed feelings for Hélis, the Goddess of Fate, drawn to her serenity and tranquility. Together, they had a daughter named Helaris.


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Gerndar, the God of the Yellow Star, was considered one of the most powerful gods, also known as the Lord of the Sun. Gerndar was the opposite of Therbás, the God of Darkness and Shadows, but this occurred only after Therbás was banished by Thuror in the Third Era of Anahkólion. While his domains were under the light, Therbás, the former God of Eternity, began to rule over the Darkness and all the places hidden by the vast darkness. For Thuror, Gerndar was one of the key gods of Mount Naumathar, and this was directly related to the energy that the sun released, which nourished the main power source of the gods of Anahkólion: the Tree of Light. It was Gerndar's responsibility to maintain the balance between light and darkness, ensuring the continuity of everything that existed in the worlds. As the creator of the First Lineage of Thovar, Gerndar bestowed upon them the Hammer of Gerndar, and later, to facilitate the wielding of the weapon, the Armor of Gerndar. He united with the goddess Lohanar, and from their love, Geronthon and Lyodar were born.

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In the beginning, Therbás was the God of Eternity. He was respected and envied by many gods, as it was his duty to oversee all that was eternal between heaven and earth and among all the worlds. Due to the war waged by the gods against the various creatures and monsters that emerged in the worlds and seas from within the Laienürimim - the Black Portals - it became necessary to imprison numerous beasts. And so it was done. In the depths of Anahkólion and Anathurilis, fortresses and underground prisons were built to contain the quantity and power of each creature. However, someone was needed to guard these places, and for a long time, no god desired proximity to such creatures, nor to take on such a task, even though there was a vote in the High Council of the Gods where it was decided that only one god would have such power: Therbás. Therbás had recently displeased Thuror, who sought to punish him by forcing him to assume what no one else wanted: darkness. Thus, Therbás became known as the God of Death and Darkness. But what none of them imagined was that everything was part of a well-orchestrated plan. Therbás was no longer welcomed or desired in the Castle of Light, which caused great suffering and loneliness for the goddess Unthanar and her son Morlogor. Shortly after this, Kathrom, Therbás' second son, was born. With his estrangement from the Castle of Light, Therbás began to concern himself with the development of his First Lineage of Juhl.


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With the death of men and women from the lineages, the energy of the body, called Orinthgar - akin to the soul or spirit - needed to be stored in a safe place. It was the task of the god Anuth to store the energy source of all those who died in a secret location. After all, Orinthgar was the same energy that emanated from the gods of Anahkólion, as the First Men carried the energy and Power of the Gods as long as the Lineage remained pure. Among the other gods, Anuth was regarded as one of the most austere and wise. He rarely intervened in the issues that permeated the High Council, but when he did, his words held great wisdom. For the First Lineage of Pólorh, Anuth bestowed the Necklace of Anuth and the Spear of Anuthor, crafted by the masters Jolur and Novax. Unlike the other gods, Anuth did not unite with any of the goddesses. He had a reason for this: the goddess he loved scorned him and was already in union with another god. In his constant sadness and bitterness, Anuth spent his days and nights throughout eternity. Until one day, he initiated a war that would change the course of the history of Mount Naumathar: the War of the Gods.

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Considered one of the main goddesses, Maráhadar holds an important position in the High Council of the Gods at Mount Naumathar. Her significance is unparalleled, as she has been entrusted with the protection of the six worlds - continents - created by Naumathar. Long after their discovery, Maráhadar was tasked by Naumathar and Thuror to protect and guard the Nine Black Portals - the Laienürimim - that were scattered across the six worlds, shortly after each one's creation. However, before Maráhadar assumed this responsibility, the entrances to the Laienürimim were protected and guarded by the Nine Guardians known as Koluns-kand. The Koluns-kand were created by Naumathar when he realized that the Black Portals led to other places inhabited by monsters and abominable creatures that did not belong to the worlds he intended to populate. For this reason, the Laienürimim were handed over to the goddess Maráhadar, who, after much study, closed the passages and wrote what became known as "The Secret of the Nine Black Portals'' in the Book of Laienürimim. Among the nine portals, Entharin was the largest and most concerning, as it led to an unexplored world dominated by darkness and shadows. To close it, Maráhadar used a unique secret that, although she did not know at that time, would have repercussions for her descendant and daughter, the goddess Maráhathas, many Eras later. The care taken by Maráhadar was crucial, as the Black Portals opened passages to places never experienced by the gods. Not even Naumathar knew exactly what lay within each of them. It was enough for Naumathar to enter Entharin to create the Nine Guardians. The Koluns-kand would remain vigilant until Maráhadar closed them. Unfortunately, many incidents occurred, and many creatures left their domains. Maráhadar created the Second Lineage of Oruthor when she was already united with Unöuthareb. Much later, they had a single daughter. She was named Maráhadar.

The care taken by Maráhadar was imperative, as the Black Portals opened passages to places never experienced by humans. Not even Naumathar knew exactly what lay within each of them. It was enough for Naumathar to enter just one of them to create the Koluns-kand, the Nine Guardians, until Maráhadar closed them after a few incidents, but not before many creatures had already left their domains.


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Aynar, the Goddess of Earth and Skies, as her title already proclaimed, was the primary protector of the relationship that existed between everything that lived between earth and sky. Although she possessed great beauty, she wasn't the most beautiful or the most desired among the goddesses; a fact that didn't bother her, quite the contrary. But, definitely, Aynar was one of the most insightful and intelligent, being considered an excellent strategist and a fierce warrior. For the other goddesses, she was a born leader, and this was always seen when she initiated the Council of Goddesses at the Temple of the Goddesses, located South of the Castle of Light. A special place reserved only for the goddesses to discuss matters of their interests. In the High Council of Gods, Aynar became highly respected when, in the period called Before the First Era, she raised the issue about the creatures that roamed loose by the land, water, and air among the worlds. Although, at the time, she was ignored, later on, when the Castle of Light was attacked, her name was remembered emphatically. After a long period of mutual interest, Aynar joined Thuror, and they had only one son who received the name Thur, in homage to the father. Goddess Aynar created the Second Lineage of Alarhorim and, although she does not know it, she will play an important role in the Time of Darkness, in the Second Era of Anahkólion. And this fact will impact the course and fate of Mount Naumathar.

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The most beautiful among the goddesses and perhaps one of the most powerful was the goddess Ankaendhar. Her power directly influenced the subconscious and the realm of dreams, providing sensations and images of various kinds both while awake and during sleep. In essence, she had the ability to induce illusions and alter the reality of anyone, god, or thing, wherever they may be. Due to such power, the majority of the gods were apprehensive, if not fearful, of approaching Ankaendhar in an affectionate manner, which, to some extent, was not entirely unwarranted. As a result, Ankaendhar ended up being excluded from the company of others and became reclusive and vengeful, fueling a sense of anger and resentment within the goddess. Feeling that her presence was often unnecessary, if not undesirable, Ankaendhar distanced herself from the Castle of Light. In her secret domains outside of Mount Naumathar, Ankaendhar, who had long harbored love for one of the gods, devised a plan that would reshape the order of Mount Naumathar and grant her recognition and prestige among the gods. When the time was right, she set her plan into motion. Under the supervision and with the assistance of Thuror, Ankaendhar became the creator of the Third Lineage of Dailhoror. And despite not uniting with any of the gods, she will have a child who will change the course of history.


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The goddess Lohanar was not one for many words. Endowed with a strong and resolute personality, Lohanar controlled all that came from fire. Her power was known as the Circle of Flames of Lohanar, which served both as protection and as a form of attack. In the High Council, she was regarded as an important figure, although Lohanar limited her participation to observing the behavior of the gods in the matters at hand. Rarely, if ever, did she offer an opinion, but this usually occurred when she was questioned about a fact or situation that required resolution and called upon her knowledge or pertained to her powers. In her youth, she developed an affection for the god Gerndar, and after a long period—let's not even mention the word incalculable—a platonic relationship gave birth to a beautiful child named Lyodar. Many periods later, this girl would be known as the goddess Lyodar in a world called Ernt-nador. The significance, power, and the Third Lineage of Isfhulor, created by Lohanar, were tested when the Great War of Men erupted. At that time, the war was known as the "War of Darkness."

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The Wizards' War

Among all the goddesses that resided in Mount Naumathar, Kaylar, the goddess of Vision, was the gentlest and most delicate, which, along with her angelic beauty, made her one of the most beloved and stunning. Yet, this gentleness was often mistaken for weakness, which didn't bother the goddess in the slightest. On the contrary, she enjoyed being underestimated, and the gods did so frequently. Kaylar possessed a kind heart and an unwavering desire to assist the gods. Her gentle and delicate nature often unsettled some of the other goddesses. In the High Council, she was highly diligent, which some considered excessive or deliberate pretense. The power of Vision she held allowed Kaylar to see beyond any Era or Time. There were no obstacles to her sight, and that's why she held a position of importance in the High Council. Due to all her qualities, Kaylar grew close to Jad, the God of Precision, particularly because of Jad's lack of sight, which he lost at an early age. This closeness resulted in the union of the two gods, and from them, the son Donuris and the daughter Aladis were born. Because of her power of Vision, long before the First Era, Kaylar foresaw an event that would completely change the future of the gods of Anahkólion. Because of this, she secretly met with Thuror and decided not to have any lineage in Anahkólion. Thuror tried to dissuade her from this decision, but unfortunately, he was unsuccessful. In an unknown land far from the six worlds, Kaylar secretly created a lineage entirely different from any other that had been created before. And nobody else knew of this fact.



Though she was one of the main goddesses in power and importance, Onusar was very different from all the others who made up the High Council of the Gods of Anahkólion. Something different in her soul turned her determined, patient, and strong personality into something restless and irresponsible, even nearly wild at times. While the vast majority of goddesses were patient and, to some extent, calm, the Goddess of Lightning and Light showed herself to be rebellious and impetuous. This became fully evident when, on several occasions, she exceeded the use of her powers, damaging the interests of Mount Naumathar. Often excluded because of her unbridled behavior, Onusar ended up getting close to the only god she had affinity with and, at specific times, a similarity in personality: Nurhul, the God of Lightning. With Nurhul, Onusar was very happy and had Nurdhor and, later, Alisas. Onusar's trajectory is marked by a choice that split her family, causing a particularly large impact in the world of Ernt-nador. Onusar was the creator of the Third Lineage of Maiush.

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Perhaps the most enigmatic of all goddesses is Thard, the guardian and holder of the Blue Power Stone. Although none of the other gods precisely know what it is - because they have never seen it - and the strength of the Blue Power Stone has never been tested, Thard has a perfect understanding of its capabilities and the importance it holds in the present and future. Kept in a secret location in Anahkólion, the Blue Power Stone remains hidden from the worlds. Possessing such profound serenity that it becomes almost unsettling, Thard is always accommodating when requested by any of the gods. Due to this demeanor, her opinion is often sought after by the gods in the High Council. Very pragmatic and rational, she has never been interested in matters of the heart, but when love struck her, she had no doubts: Ninthiglior, the God of White Flame, was her chosen partner. With the god of white flame, she had only one daughter, who was named after her grandmother: Nithala. Goddess Thard created the unique lineage solely composed of women: the First Lineage of Thayad's.


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Considered the most mysterious of all goddesses, Akala is the deity with the power to possess knowledge about what is not in the present and everything that is yet to come in the future. With a personality as complex as her exponential beauty, Akala lives locked in her own private world. This is due to the weight of responsibility that rests uneasily on her shoulders, concerning the power to read the future and see beyond everything that is unknown to gods and mortals alike. Due to the weight of her position, whenever Akala needs to delve deep into the future and the unknown, she secretly leaves Mount Naumathar and journeys to a place unknown to all, located in the south of Dharath Island. Akala joined forces with Olthom, the God of the Seas, and from their union, Thom and Isha were born. It was on a stormy night that Akala discovered what the future held for the gods of Anahkólion and the silent mission she would undertake. And for Akala, that was the last time she would utilize her powers. As the creator of the Second Lineage of Dnathar, Akala knew that even after her own destiny had been resolved, it would depend on her lineage to carry on.

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Lady of the forests and mountains, Unthanar commanded and protected all things that came from nature or were sustained by it. This included the vegetation and creatures that lived both above and below the ground, both on the mountains and in their deepest domains. For this reason, and because she was a natural explorer, Unthanar rarely stayed at Mount Naumathar, keeping herself in constant search for creatures in the nature existing in the worlds. However, Unthanar often did not make these searches alone, starting to have a company that resulted in an involuntary approach. From an early age, Therbás, who also was interested in the subject, particularly everything that was in the depths of the earth, gladly accompanied her, always assisting where possible. This proximity led Unthanar to unite with Therbás, even maintaining a secret desire for Thuror long before. But, unfortunately, Thuror had already taken a liking to Aynar. During Unthanar and Therbás' union, two children were born. First came Morlogor and, much later, Kathrom. Without her knowing, one of her children would change the course of the history of the gods, and there was nothing Unthanar could do. All the goddess's teachings were passed on to the Third Lineage of Borodhûr, in the hope that the secrets of nature would be guarded and passed down from generation to generation.


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Hélis was the most introspective of all the goddesses. She lived in extreme seclusion, and for this reason, she did not have a good relationship with some of the goddesses and gods. With a serious demeanor, sometimes appearing somber, she was not one to speak much, but on the contrary, she observed everything that happened and was said around her. Her detached demeanor from the present was deeply connected to her power of foreseeing, in some cases, a certain fate in future time and space. For Hélis, this power was not a divine blessing but rather an indelible burden, often difficult to bear. Although she possessed the Power of Destiny, she did not fully master it, being able to catch glimpses of the destinies of anyone, at any time, and in any place. Due to her quiet and serene nature, Hélis caught the attention of Amagdor, the god of Winds, and together they had a beautiful daughter named Helaris. Hélis was the creator of the Second Lineage of Montharum.

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The Acrons emerged from an error that occurred during the creation of the nineteen gods and goddesses by Naumathar. The same problem that led to the creation of Omnathar, during Naumathar's birth, repeated itself. It was a problem that would be explained many Eras later, but it was indeed a real problem. And no one, not even Naumathar, could have imagined that it could happen. The powerful creations were there, and something needed to be done in the face of the gods' repudiation, but especially from Thuror, who witnessed it all, as he was already the First God. The repudiation, however, stemmed from the fact that the Acrons were very different from the perfection of Naumathar's Gods, but just as powerful. A solution needed to be urgently found for the situation. Initially, Naumathar needed time to try to convince the gods to accept the Acrons. Just as Naumathar accepted the existence of Omnathar, the gods needed to understand that the Acrons had not emerged by chance, but through a power from the universes. In order to have time for this task, Naumathar needed to keep the Acrons away from the gods. Thus, through a trick, the Acrons were deceived and ended up imprisoned in the Fortress of Thorcranom, in a location situated above the as yet unnamed sea, far from Anahkólion.

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Although it was an unjust decision in Naumathar's eyes, it became imperative given the circumstances they were facing. Thus, for a long time, the nineteen Acrons remained imprisoned until the gods encountered major problems in the world and found themselves in need of the Acrons' help. From this necessity, the Acrons came to live in a place that eventually became known as Ácrole. However, unfortunately, the damage had already been done, and the hatred of the Acrons had become a motivating force that drove them to discover a way to bring an end to all the gods.


During the creation of the Nineteen Gods of Anahkólion, something very abnormal and wrong occurred. Just as it happened when Naumathar was created, once again the Original Power, this time released by Naumathar for the creation of each of the nineteen gods, split into two parts: a larger one and a smaller one. The larger part of power mostly carried the essence of light. The smaller part, on the other hand, was composed of negative energy, a result of everything that the larger energy rejected. And with the division of power used for the creation of the nineteen new gods, something else was created. Unable to change what had happened, Naumathar ended up creating another nineteen powerful entities. However, these entities were very different from the perfection of the Gods of Anahkólion. They bore no resemblance in any aspect to the created gods. The reason behind this fact, which happened to Naumathar and Omnathar during the creation of the gods, resulting in the emergence of the Acrons, remained unexplained for many Eras and was only discovered in the Third Era of Ernt-nador by one of the mages of the Supreme Order of Yondar.

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In the beginning, unsure of what to do exactly and with Thuror opposed to the idea of leaving those beings free, the Reflections were "stored" - if not imprisoned - in a place created by Naumathar to contain and contain their power. This place was located above the sea, far from Anahkólion, and was named Fortaleza Thorcranom. In reality, Naumathar didn't know exactly what to do with the reflections of the gods, but he believed it was unfair to keep them imprisoned, as they, like the gods, were beings derived from divine power and also his creations. But that's what happened, and the Reflections of the Gods remained imprisoned in Fortaleza Thorcranom. In a Council of the Gods that took place much later - the exact time or when it occurred cannot be determined - Naumathar, who descended to Anahkólion at that moment, proposed that the Reflections of the Gods could live somewhere in the vast and divine Monte Naumathar. After all, like the gods, they were as divine as they were. In the Council of the Gods, in the Sacred Hall, Thuror and most of the other gods were against the liberation of those creatures proposed by Naumathar himself. The justification of the gods and goddesses was that the reflections did not exist by Naumathar's will, but by an error in creation. Thus, they were considered imperfections of the main creation. For hours, many arguments were put on the table. However, the gods understood that they were in the presence of Naumathar, who had descended to Anahkólion in a form similar to that of the gods, to speak with each of them, and that deserved full consideration. After much debate and deliberation, they decided that the Nineteen Reflections should live with the gods inside Monte Naumathar, in Anahkólion. After all, it was a way to control the steps they would take. However, not in the Castle of Light, but in a place created by Naumathar in the Valley of Orunthar, which was named Ácrole. Although Naumathar understood that the Reflections, or Acrons as they were named by the gods, were imperfect compared to the gods, he knew that it was a divine life that was not to blame for being created. In reality, what Naumathar felt was pity, and for that reason, he did not take their lives. After all, they were part of his creation, albeit involuntary. But that story was just beginning. Thus, the Acrons began to coexist in Monte Naumathar, albeit away from the Castelo de Luz. For a time that cannot be determined precisely, things went smoothly between the gods and the Acrons, each group living in their respective place. But not everything thought by Naumathar, however, turned out as imagined or planned. Naumathar didn't count on one determining factor: Omnathar.

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