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For a better understanding of the entire history that takes place in Ernt-nador, the Known World, a brief introduction of its Eras and Times, and the understanding of the term itself is necessary. In order for this definition to be clear, we explain that the term "Age" is a long period of time, which may or may not contain one or more "Times" during that specific period. "Time" refers to a certain span of time or "Period" within a specific "Age" in which certain events prevailed. This predominance of events within a period is given a name after the word "Time," such as Time of the Peoples, Time of the Kings, etc. In the beginning, right after the period determined as Before the First Era, time began to be recorded in cycles of winter and summer. This started to happen in the First Era of Anahkólion, more precisely after the emergence of Yondar, the First Hísthalar or First Wizard. From then on, the Eras and Times started to be counted in Cycles, which were often irregular. The Cycles that counted time in Anahkólion were formed by the addition of a winter and a summer, which actually amounted to approximately 576 days or 19 months, but could vary by many days more or less. In addition to not having an accurate count, autumn and spring were excluded because they were not well-defined or perceived by the First Men. However, this information was not known or of interest to various lineages, let alone the people. This calculation of approximately 19 months, however, was made much later by Yondar, the First Wizard. It is worth noting that the counting of Cycles in Anahkólion was very different from that done in Ernt-nador. In Anahkólion, a Cycle lasted about 19 months, roughly two-thirds and a bit of winter, while in Ernt-nador, 14 months and some days were counted, with half being winter and half being summer. In Ernt-nador, Yondar studied the lunar cycles and created the Calendar of Ernt-nador, in the Time of the Goddesses, in the First Era of Ernt-nador, the Ninth Era of the Ancient Worlds, from Anahkólion to Ernthys.

The Wizards' War

In Ernt-nador, the Known World, the period before the First Era, known as the Time Before Times, was not recorded, and it is uncertain how long it existed or when it began. The First Era was also not properly recorded in terms of Cycles or counted appropriately. Some records mention events listed in chronological order by descendants of the First, Second, and Third Lineages of Anahkólion, but none of them possessed the Power of the Gods anymore, as they were no longer pure. In the First Era, Time came to be composed of a combination of lunar years (twelve main lunar cycles). This period includes some years from the Time of the Kings, the Time of Shadows, characterized by the darkness embracing the world, and part of the Time of the Goddesses. In the lunar year 421 of the Time of the Goddesses, the wizard Yondar concluded his extensive study of the stars and defined the parameters for the Calendar of the Known World. From then on, years were counted according to the new calendar: the Calendar of Ernt-nador. During the chapters of The Wizards' War, The Battle of Thiurethi, the first in the series, specific Ages and Times [1] will be mentioned. In order for the reader to situate themselves in the story, this appendix aims to list them chronologically. It is essential for the reader to understand that Times always start with the First Cycle, or year 01 (one), regardless of the number they were in the previous Era or Time.

[1] Throughout the books, more information will be provided about the future and past Eras and Times.

The Wizards' War



There is no information about when the period known as the "Time Before Times," "Times Before the First Era," or simply "Before the First Era'' began. It is also unknown in which of Anahkólion's eras the kingdoms of that time were established. However, it is known that during this period, kingdoms such as Deutharin, Lakahmbar, Athilas, and Anghur, among other smaller principalities and citadels, already existed or were established. There are no records of how many Cycles existed during this period, with only vague accounts suggesting the possible lineage of some existing kingdoms from the First and Second Lineages of Anahkólion. There is only speculation regarding the Third Lineage. It is speculated, although without any proof or certainty, that there were three lineages: one First Lineage and two Second Lineages, which left Anahkólion in search of new lands even before the expeditions. This suspicion arose due to the disappearance of twelve Barons (giant beings that quickly built kingdoms) during the same period. This occurred before the First Era and the Time of Expeditions in Anahkólion. These lineages arrived in Ernt-nador, even before it was named as such, and began their colonization, albeit discreetly and far from everything that existed in Anahkólion. There are accounts that one of the Third Lineages may have made this crossing before everyone else, but there is no definitive proof of this. What is known is that one of the Third Lineages disappeared completely from Anahkólion. However, it is not certain whether they actually reached any place or even the world of Ernt-nador.


The Lost Kingdom of Lakahmbar is one of the greatest mysteries that still exists in Ernt-nador. Its founding date remains unknown, and the name of its king is not recorded. Its people have never been truly seen, and they had no relations with other kingdoms. However, it is known that armies from kingdoms that dared to seek wealth in Lakahmbar were never seen again. Two survivors of a major attack on the kingdom of Lakahmbar confessed that no one from their army survived and that they would never return to that place. They recounted, without going into detail, that a large army of tall warriors wearing black armor, wielding swords, shields, and axes, appeared out of nowhere and from all directions, completely annihilating the attack. Much later, in the First Era, but shortly before the First Era of Ernt-nador, known as the Time of Shadows, a great army set out to conquer Lakahmbar and seize the wealth spoken of throughout Ernt-nador. Unfortunately, nothing was found. There was no one in the kingdom's structures, only a vast empty space within the Mountain of Ojiz. The kingdom of Lakahmbar, located within the mountain, and everything within it had vanished. Some even claimed that it had never been there, as there were no traces that anything or anyone had ever existed in that place. Since then, it became known as the Lost Kingdom of Lakahmbar. The kingdom and its people have never been found again. No one has dared to enter the outer or inner domains of the Lost Kingdom of Lakahmbar.

The Wizards' War



Athilas was the oldest of the kingdoms ever built in Ernt-nador, located along the shores of the Western Sea, in roughly the same location as the current kingdom of Hoxlu. Its existence was not very long, considering the time closer to the First Era of Ernt-nador, the Known World. Little is known about when it was founded, and even less is known about its disappearance. However, the little-known legend surrounding Athilas goes as follows. Long before the First Era of Ernt-nador began its count, when kingdoms like Anghur and Lakahmbar were still being established, the daughter of King Althusor died, and the blame was placed upon a powerful wizard named Modin. Unable to prove his innocence, Modin was banished from the ancient and small kingdom of Athilas and sentenced to death outside its borders. The royal advisor suggested that the king should kill the wizard outside the realm to avoid bringing bad luck. Modin's sentence was banishment to die in the Rocky Mountains, where he would have no chance of survival against the mythical creatures said to dwell in that cursed region. But Modin did not die, and King Althusor relentlessly sought to end the wizard's existence. No one ever heard of anyone from Athilas again, and the kingdom came to be considered cursed.



The Wizards' War


The kingdom of Anghur was founded by Gorgh before the First Era of Ernt-nador. For a long time, Anghur was the foremost kingdom in that world. The information regarding Gorgh is uncertain, but it is believed that he belonged to the Third Lineage of Borodhûr in Anahkólion and that he stole eight ships, leaving his old land in search of a new world. Others suggest that Anghur had lineage from the First Lineage of Urhul, but there is no confirmation as there are no records of anyone born with the name Gorgh. The downfall of the kingdom of Anghur occurred during a great war that involved another prominent kingdom that had emerged and was already among the greatest in that world. It all happened because Dhóxum, son of Farthoz and king of Anghur, considered completely mad by many, after losing thousands of soldiers in his pursuit of absolute power to subjugate other kingdoms, attacked the aforementioned kingdom at an inopportune moment, without waiting to regain his strength. This mistake cost him dearly. This is certainly a story to be told.




The kingdom of Deutharin was founded long before the First Era of Ernt-nador and carries an "Original Secret" that has been kept since the First Era of Anahkólion. However, there are no existing records of when exactly the kingdom was founded and established, as there was no concept of time in that world. Nevertheless, it did indeed happen. Some writings documented by the founder, a descendant of the Naöhrad Lineage, suggest that it occurred roughly between the Third and Fifth Eras of Anahkólion. The "Secret," as it came to be called, was not known to many. Few are aware of its existence or the sacrifices that were made to keep it hidden from the World of Men. It is known, however, that this secret originated in the First Lineage of Naöhrad, after Naöhrad was summoned by Thuror, the God of Gods. Thuror's decision to meet with Naöhrad came after being summoned by Akala, the Goddess of the Future, and Hélis, the Goddess of Destiny, as he had already been forewarned by Kayla, the Goddess of Vision. From that moment on, Thuror knew that he needed to prepare the World of Men for what would come in the future, without revealing exactly what would happen. The future of which the goddesses had warned Thuror, although certain, was uncertain in terms of the exact timing, and it needed to be kept secret. But that didn't mean it couldn't be carefully prepared for when everything unfolded. Another great secret shared with Thuror left the God of Gods distressed, but there was nothing that could be done. It was revealed to the First God that his own son would take away his greatest love. Thuror was concerned, but he tried not to dwell on that prediction. After all, Thuror had not yet had any children, even though he had been with the Goddess Aynar for some time.



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