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The Wizards' War



Between the period Before the First Age and the First Age of Ernt-nador, it is not precisely known when, the first coins that moved the economy among the realms of Athilas, Anghur, and Deutharin were minted. The Gillins, the Olins, and the Narens were considered common circulation coins and were forged in the depths of the Bahrar Mountains. The name and value of the coins were the same for all realms. Over time, each of the realms ended up changing the crest minted on each coin. Thus, there came to be Gillins of Anghur, Athilas, and Deutharin. The Gillins, the Olins, and the Narens were considered common coins that initiated commerce in Ernt-nador and were derived from the Kolions, Gorins, and Dorals coins that moved commerce among the realms of Anahkólion. The strange realm of Bahrar also produced high-value coins like the Lakos and the Dairons, which came from the same idea as the Warins and Kurfan of Anahkólion. After the people of Bahrar mysteriously ceased to exist, this fact was omitted from the Annals of the History of Ernt-nador. When the realms of Athilas, Anghur, and Deutharin ceased to exist, such coins became rare and their value increased. The Lakos and Dairons are the coins that were created to have a higher added value and to circulate among small social groups. They are considered coins of the highest standard and value ever created. The Lakos were worth fifty Ollins and ten Gillins coins. A Dairon required a hundred Ollins and twenty Gillins. Such coins were more valuable because they bore precious stones in their circumference. The Lakos featured sapphires, and the Dairons were encrusted with diamonds. Both coins were minted in gold and were used in higher-value negotiations.

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