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Long after the gods were created by Naumathar, three great goddesses foresaw that in the future the gods of Anahkólion would have to face a great and powerful evil. The visions and predictions even stated that the very Mount Naumathar would be the target of major attacks, which to Thuror, the God of Gods, seemed absurd. However, the visions and premonitions that foretold the future, whether near or distant, were indeed true. In one of her visions, Kaylar, the goddess of sight herself, witnessed Mount Naumathar plunging into absolute darkness. Based on these predictions and premonitions, the gods decided that they would need strong assistance. Thus, it was decided that the Demigods would be created.



The Wizards' War

When the six worlds were created by Naumathar, nine flaws appeared in these creations. These flaws manifested as large black circles that appeared vertically and sometimes horizontally, which were later discovered to be Passages to "other places". Naumathar, together with Thuror, decided to name these Passages Black Portals, as they were indeed black holes. These nine circles were named Laienürimim and came to be known as "The Nine Black Portals". The largest among them was named Entharin, the Great Black Portal. When all of this was mapped out by Naumathar and Thuror, still keeping it a secret from the other gods, they noticed that there were no flaws in the worlds of Anahkólion and Dnathirium - even before this world received its name - with the Nine Portals concentrated in only four worlds, which at the time had not yet been named. Two portals were located to the North and Northwest of Anathurilis. In Ernathurilis, two more were found in the South and East. Ernthys held only one portal, which strangely enough was located in the place that would later be known as the Dark Land, where the kingdom of Therbáras was located.

And finally, Ernt-nador housed four of them: the first in the center, where the kingdom of Deutharin was later built; the second, in the far North, where the kingdom of Zumur was located; the third was situated in the Southeast, near the Lost Kingdom of Lakahmbar and Mount Ojiz. And the largest of all was located to the East, in the place that became known as the Shadow Realm, specifically at the exact location of the Black Castle. When the danger within one of the Black Portals became apparent, Naumathar had to take action. While Maráhadar was studying a way to close the Nine Laienürimim, especially Entharin, Naumathar created nine powerful warriors known as the Nine Guardians. The Koluns-kand were specifically created to protect and guard the Nine Black Portals, and for that reason, they had to be special and powerful. A power source was needed to channel Naumathar's own power, as the task of the Koluns-kand would not be easy. Like the Rakun Unicorns, the Koluns-kand were given horns that would illuminate as the Originating Power needed to be used. However, when the Guardians were created, it was already too late!

The Wizards' War


*Continues on the Black Portals tab.

The Wizards' War


The Wizards' War

The Thuorom were the first demigods created by Thuoror, the God of Gods. Although in reality, the Koluns-kand were the first demigods created, they served only as Guardians of the Black Portals. Therefore, they would not aid in the difficult times that were to come and were not considered the First Demigods. The purpose and mission of the Thuorom was to protect the World of the Gods and, later on, the world of the First Men, if necessary, safeguarding the creation of Naumathar and the Gods of Mount Naumathar. Mirroring the likeness of the gods, the Thuorom were tall and strong, with fair skin and piercing blue eyes. They had long hair that could vary in shades of blonde, brown, or black. They wore shiny silver helmets that gleamed in the sunlight, along with silver bracelets adorning their arms. They donned dark blue vests with silver details, displaying the emblem of the Thuorom in the center of their chest: two wings of fire united. Black belts secured the sheaths of their long-handled swords, while black pants and dark gray boots completed their attire. Large white wings emerged from their backs, giving them an unmatched grandeur and making the Thuorom appear larger than they actually were.

Their facial features were sharp and austere, conveying a palpable coldness. Some of the Thuorom wielded beautiful golden wooden bows crafted by the master Kaur, while others preferred axes adorned with carved symbols on their blades. However, the majority carried long swords and shields adorned with shimmering stones. The Guardians of the Gates of Mount Naumathar and the Divine Guard of the Castle of Light wielded spears with tips on both ends. Unbeknownst to them, the Thuorom would continue to play a significant role long after the fall of the last god.


The Wizards' War

The Argonas, Warrior Demigoddesses of the Goddesses of Anahkólion, were created by the goddess Maráhadar, the Guardian of the Black Portals - the Nine Laienürimim - and specifically the Entharin, the largest of them. Resembling the goddesses, the Argonas possessed beautiful faces and slender bodies, adorned in armors that could vary in color according to each Argona's rank and position. With strong temperaments, the Argonas displayed seriousness and determination. These demigoddesses were created in anticipation of a great war between the gods and the forces of darkness, and according to Akala, the Goddess of the Future, the Divine Warriors would play an important role until the End of Eras. The first of the Argonas created was Karah, and she was entrusted with leading the future Winged Army of the Argonas. The Argonas wielded various types of Magical Weapons crafted by the Artífices of the Gods, which granted them unique powers. These powers would enhance their strength and alter their nature, such as their eyes shining brightly when utilizing the Sacred Weapons and their increased resilience in combat.

*Short passages and information about the Argonas will be posted here.

The Wizards' War


The Wizards' War

After the creation of the Thuorom and the Argonas, Thuror, together with some of the gods, decided to create the guardians who would protect the land, as the heavens were already guarded. Thus, the Gontthers, known as the Guardians of the Goddesses, emerged. Initially, they were created to serve as the Divine Guard of the Gods in the land of Anahkólion, although their purposes were modified over the Eras due to changing needs. They wore black armor, complemented by helms with small golden ornaments. Their sleeveless corsets, adorned with the symbol of the Arlierocs in the center - the image of a great feline in profile - exposed their arms, while tight pants and black boots completed their attire. Circular shields with openings on two or four sides were paired with long spears. Unlike the Thuorom and the Argonas, the Gontthers were semi deities who traversed Eras and Times, kept imprisoned in the form of white statues, supported by tall pedestals, always accompanied by their Arlierocs: ancient white felines with magnificent manes, long fangs, and powerful claws, obedient only to the commands of their masters. The first Gontther created was Ákilus, a tall blond with deep eyes and a strong physique.

The Lord of the Gontthers had the mission to organize and command the army whenever awakened by the gods and goddesses. Unbeknownst to them, the Gontthers would serve the gods and goddesses for Eras, until the final battle.

The Wizards' War


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