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The origin of dragons dates back to a period known as Before the First Era. It is not precisely known how dragons came to be: whether Naumathar was their creator or if they emerged from the Black Portals before they came under the watch of the Koluns-kand, the Nine Guardians of Laienürimim. The First Dragons that appeared Before the First Era in Anahkólion were named Kathand-Ond-nath, as they were small in size. The Kathand-Ond-nath could not be compared to the Kathand-Thândnath, the Great Black Dragons, as they were later referred to in Ernt-nador, because Omnathar had not yet caused the evolution of dragons. Finally, there were the Kathand-Thûndnath, the Great White Dragons, created by Thuror and the Goddess Thard

*Chronologically, the story mentions in Book I, Chapter I - "The God of Darkness" - the Kathand-Thândnath, hence why these dragons appear first.


The Wizards' War

Omnathar witnessed the progress of the Thayad's Lineage, the Warriors of Thard, with their Kathand-Ond-nath dragons. Each of the warriors had a dragon that they raised from birth, and over time, each child had their own dragon, growing together. This displeased Omnathar, who had plans to completely transform Naumathar's world. The goddess Thard's warriors were becoming very powerful with the help of the Kathand-Ond-nath. Thus, Omnathar decided to create something much larger and more powerful, altering the nature of those creatures. By capturing two black dragons along with their warriors, Omnathar used his power in the depths of the realm of Darkness, northwest of Anathurilis, to create the First Kathand-Thândnath. Over the course of forty Cycles, Kathand Thoer and Kathand Gorum became the largest dragons ever seen. They were called Kathand-Thândnath or the Great Black Dragons. Together, Kathand Thoer and Kathand Gorum spread terror across the worlds when war broke out. There was no power capable of dealing with the fury of those creatures. Seeing what was happening in the world, Naumathar, together with Thuror and the goddess Thard, decided to intervene in equal measure.

The Wizards' War


Faced with the fury of the Kathand-Thândnath, Naumathar secretly gathered with Thuror and the goddess Thard and decided to create two other dragons of similar magnitude and size to the Black Dragons. These creatures were meant to be as powerful as the Kathand-Thândnath, but completely opposite in nature. Thus, after convincing Ayar, a direct descendant of Thard's Lineage, and Bramarh, a prominent commander of the Thayad's, they began the transformation of their rare white dragons. Khryll and Dhärath, the Great White Fire Dragons, were born. Despite their immense size, Ayar continued to ride Khryll, while Bramarh flew on Dhärath. Over time, the Great Dragons began to multiply. Many of them were taken to a secret and secure place where they could live in peace until the outbreak of what would later become known as the War of the Worlds, when everything changed.

Before the First Era of the Worlds, the First Dragons, called Kathand-Ond-nath, lived on the island of Kathond-nath, north of Anahkólion. The Kathand-Ond-nath were small dragons compared to the Kathand-Thândnath, with an average size ranging from two to three horses. By nature, Kathand-Ond-nath were not fierce creatures, but they became aggressive and powerful when threatened. Much later, after the creation of the First Lineages, the Kathand-Ond-nath became hunted by people from the First, Second, and Third Lineages who desired the flesh and armor of these creatures. In a Council of the Kings of the First Lineage, Naöhrad decided to ban the hunting of dragons, but this measure proved unsuccessful. It was during this period that Thayad, the first queen of the kingdom of Thard, resolved to protect these animals that had no "owners" before they went extinct. Many men from different lineages were prevented by the Thayad's when they still held the entirety of their kingdom in Anahkólion. As a result, the Thayad's brought the dragons to the kingdom of Thard, where they could live in peace and tranquility. This proximity led the Warriors of Thard to develop a sentimental and emotional bond with the animals. In about a hundred cycles - a short time for that era - each of the Thayad's, from the Royal Guard to the children, had their own dragon. Thus, the Thayad's were the first to ride and raise a Kathand-Ond-nath.


The Wizards' War




The Wizards' War

After many experiments conducted by Omnathar using various warriors captured in his domains in the Castle of Darkness in Anathurilis, the Harz were created. The Harz, shortened from "Durpanharzum," were immortal beings with six arms. As abominations created from darkness, they were extensively used by Omnathar for missions beyond the realms of the Kingdom of Darkness and in fierce battles. During the Second Era of Anahkólion, the Harz terrorized the kingdoms wherever they went and struck fear into the warriors who faced them. There were no battles fought that the Harz did not win. Few possessed the skill and focus to confront the Harz, and almost none escaped with their lives. Many periods later, the Harz disappeared from the world and were forgotten. And when they resurfaced, they were no longer in Anathurilis but in Ernt-nador. There, they came to be known as Drokhus of Örhadhur, for reasons that will be explained in the period before the First Era of Ernt-nador.

The Wizards' War


The story of the emergence of the Demon of Jhurom, one of the most powerful beasts ever transformed by Omnathar, dates back to a time when the world was being created, known as Before the First Era. It was a creature with extreme powers, capable of dematerializing and residing in a specific dwelling. Its retreat to the Scepter was intended to regain its strength and powers, a place to contain its evil body and spirit. This artifact was named the Scepter of Jhurom, and later on, the name Jhurom underwent a modulation, becoming known as the Scepter of Lij'uror. The Scepter held the only Walb-Ky stone in the entire world, the so-called Master Stone or Bloodstone, extracted from the inhospitable depths of the Nebulous Mountain in the Kingdom of Darkness, located in Anathurilis, by Nomenadhúrth, the Lord of Darkness. The Scepter was the only thing that had the power to unleash and control the demon. The creators of the Scepter of Jhurom, which would later be called Lij'uror, and the secrets surrounding one of the most feared creatures in Ernt-nador, will be revealed throughout the series "The Master of Wizards" and "The Origin of Evil."

The Wizards' War



It is not precisely known when the event took place, but what is known is as follows: Silus Renst was once an ordinary person named Uhlar, who, due to adverse circumstances and against their will, ended up falling into the world of darkness, where they assumed a new form and acquired great and unimaginable powers. However, the reality was that they were bound to something they could not overcome, and they would forever live in that form. Like everything, this transformation came with the responsibility and duty to control a vast army of cursed beasts. Their name was forgotten, and they came to be known as Silus Renst. Their identity and lineage within the lineages remain a mystery, but every mystery will one day be unraveled.



In the face of the need to create a force to attack the worlds of Anahkólion, Anathurilis, and Ernathurilis, Omnathar created the Thorens to compose the Army of Darkness. The Thorens were nothing more than Gontthers transformed into deformed creatures obedient to one master only: Omnathar. When Nomenadhúrth was created, Omnathar incited him to command the army of Thorens, the Guardians of Darkness, against the worlds of Anahkólion, Anathurilis, and Ernathurilis. Accompanied by the Ardolerocs, the ancient feline creatures of the Gontthers called Arlierocs, the Thorens were merciless warriors, where mercy was a word that did not exist.

The Wizards' War



The Gontthers, the Warriors of the Gods, were accompanied by large feline creatures called Arlierocs. Omnathar captured some of these creatures and completely transformed them, creating the Ardolerocs. The Ardolerocs did not have the same appearance as the Arlierocs and were aggressive and violent beasts. Over the Cycles, Nomenadhúrth crossed many of these creatures, forming an army of dark beasts. At a certain point, the Ardolerocs and their masters will meet in battle against the Gontthers and their Arlierocs.


The Wizards' War

It is not known for certain where the Beasts of Ôstd originated from. There is no knowledge of whether they were created or transformed. What is known is that they emerged during the First Great War in Anahkólion. It is speculated that before the war broke out, rumors of man-eating beasts plagued the West of Anathurilis. The Beasts of Ôstd are demonic creatures possessing superhuman strength. They move swiftly, kill their prey with extreme violence, and after death, consume the flesh of their victims, especially the brain. They emerged, like most creatures, in Anathurilis and strangely crossed the seas, spreading across the worlds of Anahkólion, Ernathurilis, and much later appearing in Ernt-nador. Some kingdoms suspect that they originated from the depths of darkness. Thuror and the goddess Maráhadar believe they were driven out from one of the Nine Laienürimim. Yondar, the First Wizard, believes there is a secret behind the emergence of those creatures. For the mage, there is much more to those creatures than meets the eye.


The Wizards' War

No one knows for sure where the creatures and beasts that plagued and terrorized the worlds throughout Eras and Times came from or how they appeared. But the fact remains that many creatures emerged without any plausible explanation across the worlds. And this began to happen in Anahkólion during the period known as "Before the First Era." Some gods speculate that these beasts and creatures came from even more distant places. Others attribute their creation to some immensely powerful entity. However, three gods know that there is a high probability that they came from the dark depths of the Nine Black Portals, initially protected by the Nine Koluns-kand and later guarded by the goddess Maráhadar, the Guardian of the Laienürimim. Some of these creatures were hunted down and decimated, disappearing throughout the Eras and Times. Other demonic beasts hid in the depths of mountains and abysses. A few not only survived but also spread, carried by the seas to other worlds. In the past, before time was recorded, Ernt-nador harbored many of these creatures and beasts that remained hidden in darkness. Some became known due to their attacks during the Time of Chaos. Others caused great destruction, and only a few were captured.

Others are guarded by powers unknown to the common man, while most have been forgotten throughout the Eras and Times, and some specific ones lie dormant, ready to awaken! Long before they were named the Beasts of Brunther or recognized as the Creatures of Modin, these grotesque and bloodthirsty beasts already existed; however, they were simply called the Black Beasts. In Ernt-nador, their origins were recorded during the period when the first kingdoms began to settle, perpetuating throughout the Times. Kingdoms like Deutharin and Anghur, which were in their early stages, reported the existence of identical creatures in their records due to the attacks they suffered. However, older writings dated back to the First Era of Anahkólion and the beginning of the Second Era of Anathurilis also mention that creatures with similar descriptions lived in those places and times.

The Wizards' War


The Wizards' War

The Kórsk were creatures brought by Omnathar from one of the Black Portals before the First Era of Anahkólion. They are large beasts with wrinkled skin, lacking noses and eyes. As such, they need to dwell in darkness due to their extreme sensitivity to light. They lived and terrorized the kingdoms of Anathurilis for many years, especially those attempting to pass through the Dhomnar Gorge. For Eras, the Kórsk dwelled in the Depths of Dhomnar, until darkness engulfed the world and they left their abode to wreak havoc. In a secret journey led by three powerful forces, later known as the Narfanian Witches, some Kórsk departed Anathurilis by sea. After an incalculable amount of time and having devoured nearly the entire crew of the ships, the Kórsk arrived in a place that would later be named Ernt-nador. And it was in Ernt-nador, in the Depths of the Bahrar Mountains, that the Kórsk began to hide from the world and the light. And there they remained until the day when light was completely extinguished by darkness.

The Wizards' War


The Wizards' War

The history of the Jewel of Vaul dates back to the Time Before the Times of Ernt-nador. The exact information of when and how everything happened is not known. The Legend of the Vhaughs is real and resurfaces in the world from time to time, bringing death and devastation. Unfortunately, there is only one survivor who has come into contact with the Black Jewel of Vaul and has not succumbed to its power, and that is for a simple reason. The Legend of the Servants of the Black Jewel of Vaul leads to a location situated southeast of Ernt-nador, within a large forest which, in the Second Era of Ernt-nador, became known as the Forest of the Vhaughs. There is uncertainty about a supposed citadel that existed within the Forest of the Vhaughs during the period known as Before the First Era of Ernt-nador. However, there is no evidence that this citadel actually existed. There is only the account of the lone survivor. Others, such as hunters, plunderers, and thieves who sought the citadel within the forest, never returned. The Jewel of Vaul holds powers as ancient as the first gods.


The Wizards War

A massive mystery surrounds the emergence of the creatures that ultimately gave the name to Wrulls Bay, the location where Ebe Tower is situated. Unfortunately, the history of the Wrulls is directly linked to the enigma surrounding Eberthûndor Citadel and the disappearance of its entire population. There are no testimonies that explain what happened in the distant past, nor is it possible to pinpoint when such an event occurred. But before the Union of the Realms takes place, someone will invoke forgotten beasts from past Eras. Ernt-nador is on the verge of uncovering the secrets of the past.

The Wizards' War


The Wizards War

In the beginning, the Run's did not have that horrendous form and much less three eyes. Their origin derives from a lineage that hails from gentle and friendly giants, as well as tireless workers, known as Barons, the "Kingdom Builders." The Barons initially lived in Anahkólion, where they built practically all the kingdoms. In the Second Age of Anahkólion and even before, in the Time of Expeditions, they were taken to other worlds, where they would play the same role. In one of these worlds, some Barons were captured and transformed into what was first called Drun’s. Later, in Ernt-nador, they were named Run’s. Currently, in the year 1974 of the Time of the Mages, the Run's are banished to Katr'a-Ynthor Island, but not for long.


The Wizards War

In the beginning, the Run’s did not have that horrendous form and even less three eyes. Their origin derives from the lineage that dates back to docile and friendly giants, as well as hardworking and practically tireless, called Barons, the "Kingdom Builders". The Barons initially lived in Anahkólion, where they built practically all the kingdoms. In the Second Age of Anahkólion and even before, in the Time of Expeditions, they were taken to other worlds, where they would play the same role. In one of these worlds, some Barons were captured and transformed into what was first called Drun’s. Later, in Ernt-nador, they were named Run’s. Currently, in the year 1974 of the Time of the Mages, the Run’s are banned on the island of Katr’a-Ynthor, but not for long.

The Wizards' War



The history of the Legend of the Rodars dates back to about three hundred Cycles after the creation of all the Lineages of Anahkólion. Without the First Lineages knowing, a small group of young people from the Nosferac and Dailhoror Lineages, from the kingdom of Urhul, stole a ship and set out to sail the seas. Although it was not actually known, but suspected, the young people wanted to discover new lands and opportunities to show their worth. Unfortunately, the ship they were on entered a violent storm after they had crossed the southern part of the Olthom Channel, towards Anathurilis. The storm only embraced the ship because of the distance they kept from the Royal Port of Anahkólion, located at the extreme south of Ernathurilis. When the storm ended, this after a few hours being thrown from one side to the other, the ship ended up colliding with the reefs of a beach located in the North of Anathurilis. The survivors abandoned the ship and reached land in search of shelter. It was night and it was still raining a lot. After walking in dense darkness for a whole day, they found a gigantic castle made of black stones. There, inside, they met a man who apparently seemed as ordinary as their parents. However, they were mistaken. The youngsters were led to the depths of the Castle of Darkness. And there, they went through various transformations. Until there was nothing left of them. From that day on, they began to be called Rodars, which in Idhílion means "abominable".

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