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After the creation of the Gods, Thuror, in conjunction with the High Council of the Gods, decided to create servants with great powers for the crafting of what would later be called Sacred Weapons and Magic Weapons. In reality, there wasn't much difference between the weapons that were made. The distinction that was established was related to whom the weapons were made for. If they were made for the gods, they were called Sacred Weapons. When made for humans, they were named Magic Weapons. In terms of power, there was no difference. Thus, the "Five Craftsmen of the Gods" were created: Morlok, Novax, Jolur, Airfax, and Kaur.


The Wizards' War

The first Craftsman of the Gods was Master Morlock. As he spent a considerable amount of time working alone, attending to the needs of various gods, Morlock became a reclusive and solitary individual. He was not one to speak many words and did not enjoy the company of others. Morlock's skill lay in working with rare and divine metals. Furthermore, as the First Craftsman, he possessed the power to enhance the capacity and strength of the crafted Magic Weapon. During certain projects, Master Morlock was compelled to collaborate with other craftsmen, such as Novax, to ensure the perfection of the weapon in terms of both beauty and power. However, it was not something he particularly enjoyed. Nevertheless, refusing a request from a god was not something that could be done. Throughout his life, Master Morlock created numerous powerful magical swords, shields, axes, and hammers for the gods and First Men of certain lineages. These Sacred and Magic Weapons crossed through Eras and worlds, wielded by various heroes. However, some Magic Weapons surpassed all others in beauty and power. Among them were Äyrlath, the White Sword or Sword of Light; Unthôrack, the Black Axe; the Spear of Nurhul, crafted in collaboration with Master Novax; and the Hammer of Gerndar.

The Wizards' War


The Wizards' War

Novax was the Second Craftsman of the Gods created by Naumathar. His skill was associated with a continuous power that the wielder of the Sacred or Magic Weapon would possess. In addition to being able to control and manipulate the power bestowed by the gods for the crafting of weapons, Master Novax had the unique ability to modify it in a distinctive way. Throughout his journey, the craftsman Novax served the gods and, at their request, the men of specific lineages. But that was not all that Master Novax did. At the behest of a specific god and utilizing a much greater power, Novax secretly fused a Magic Weapon—an unparalleled source of power—a secret that has been guarded through Eras and Times, but is now on the verge of being awakened by the only being aware of its existence. And in the year 2139 of Thur's Time, according to the Calendar of Ernt-nador, this is about to happen. Among the Magic Weapons crafted by Master Novax are: the Spear of Nurhul, whose power he modified, made in collaboration with Master Morlock; the Sword and Shield of Therbarom; the Bow of Jad, crafted in collaboration with Master Kaur; and the whips of Maráhadar, the Goddess Guardian of the Black Portals.


The Wizards' War

In the early years of his life, Master Jolur, the Third Craftsman, worked for various lineages, crafting the Medallion of the Gods for some of the descendants. However, not all members of the lineage were granted such a privilege. The Medallion, or Amulet as it came to be called later, contained a drop of blood from the baby, one from the father, and one from the mother. These drops of blood were combined and placed within the Medallion, crafted by Master Jolur, granting eternal life to its owner and preserving them in their prime adulthood. As long as one wore the Medallion of the Gods, they would possess immortality. During one of these occasions, while crafting the Medallion for the Alarorhim lineage, a grave problem arose with the Nosferac lineage. The Tower where Jolur was creating the Medallion of the Gods, as many came to refer to it, caught fire. The mother and daughter were burned alive. Master Jolur suffered severe burns to his body and face but managed to escape with his life. Since then, he began wearing a mask to conceal his face. This episode left a lasting mark on Jolur's life, particularly due to the secret that the Third Craftsman of the Gods began to guard.

The Wizards' War


The Wizards' War

Master Äirfax was the Fourth Craftsman of the Gods. He was different from all the others as he worked solely with malleable materials that could absorb the powers bestowed by the goddesses and gods. Thus, Master Äirfax crafted cloaks, mantles, and all kinds of paper sheets that could absorb and store such powers for when they were needed. His work was shrouded in mystery and delicacy. His creations often involved objects that might go unnoticed, as they were common and, at times, trivial, such as simple cloaks and mantles. However, they concealed powers that made a significant difference in various situations. He was an important craftsman, but rarely worked alone when it came to actual weapons. He crafted the Mantle of Olthom, the Cape of Amagdorum, and the Bracelets of Alisas. Yet, his masterpiece was the work he created in collaboration with Master Jolur: The Book of Passages or the Book of Laiëntharin. And, in secret and at the request of Maráhadar, Äirfax wrote his magnum opus: The Book of Nine Black Portals - The Laienürimim. In this book, the master recorded the secrets of each portal, including that of Entharin, the Great Black Portal.


The Wizards' War

Underestimated at first by other craftsmen, Master Kaur possessed a unique gift that later became highly valued. Unlike the others, Kaur, the Fifth Craftsman of the Gods, was the only one who could work with the material extracted from the Tree of Light or Power, also known as the Tree of Naumathar, located at the center of the main hall in the Castle of Light, in Mount Naumathar. The Origin of the Gods' Power derived from the Tree of Power, the only one that received power from the earth and the light of the heavens. And the only one capable of touching the tree was Master Kaur, earning him the privilege of being considered the favorite among the gods and goddesses of Anahkólion. Kaur collaborated on several projects with the other master craftsmen. Among his works are the Akhalar's Medallion, the Corset of Unth, Nil's Hammer, and Alisas' Bracelets. However, his greatest masterpiece was the Bow of Jad, one of the most special Sacred Weapons ever created in Anahkólion. This weapon became famous and highly recognized in the hands of Reim, the Archer, in Ernt-nador. But before that, the Bow of Jad was wielded by another person.

The Wizards' War



The Sacred Weapons or Magic Weapons were created based on the foresight of Akala, the Goddess of the Future and the Unknown, directly conveyed to Thuror. In Akala's foresight, the gods would face powerful creatures, as well as a great force of darkness that would confront the light and attempt to destroy them one by one. To make matters worse, Hélis, the Goddess of Destiny, predicted that before the end of a period known as the Sixth Era, all the gods of Anahkólion would have vanished. And indeed, the gods would need to forge powerful weapons. Consulting the goddess of Vision, Kaylar, sought to see beyond what the eyes could perceive. Some time later, she shared with Thuror, Aynar, and Maráhadar that she had glimpsed a vision showing Mount Naumathar living in complete darkness. She also spoke of the Castle of Light shrouded in shadows, the hall of the High Council abandoned and overgrown with vegetation, and the sacred Tree of Power dead, just as the Original Power of the Gods was as well. However, she couldn't determine when this would happen. But it was certain that at some point, it would occur. As these prophecies had been brought to the knowledge of the God of Gods and his advisers, and everything needed to be analyzed collectively, Thuror decided to convene the High Council of the Gods in the Castle of Light, in Mount Naumathar. Presenting the issue before the Council, it was decided that the Sacred Weapons must be forged. Thus, there arose the need to create individuals who would possess the power to create such weapons. The Craftsmen of the Gods emerged, and only then were the Sacred Weapons created.


The first Magic Weapon – or Sacred Weapon – crafted by Morlock, the First Artificer of the Gods, was Äyrlath, the White Sword or Sword of Light. It was made specifically for Thuror, the God of Gods of Anahkólion. Äyrlath is one of the most powerful Magic Weapons, as it carries within it a portion of Thuror's power. It is not an easily wielded weapon, as only the Gods and the descendants of the First Pure Lineage or Natas can wield it. Thus, only the direct descendants of the Naöhrad Lineage and the Thard Lineage or the Thayad's can lift and handle Äyrlath. In Anahkólion, this weapon was carried by Thuror. In Ernt-nador, only one of the wizards possesses enough power to wield it, in addition to the descendants of the aforementioned lineages. However, as the Eras passed, the lineages lost their purity. When the time comes, Äyrlath will need to be brandished, and few are left who possess that power. However, none of them are aware of this.

The Wizards' War



Before the first Great War, which occurred in the period known as Before the First Era, Morlock was summoned by the god Gerndar, the God of the Strength of the Yellow Star (Sun), to craft him a Magic Weapon. Gerndar, however, did not ask for anything specific, only that it had to be powerful and potent, reflecting his strength and power. Master Morlock, who was highly observant, decided to create a unique weapon. Gerndar was a tall and muscular warrior god, and his weapon had to match his stature. Thus, Morlock decided to forge a great hammer. Later, after the creation of the First Men from the First Lineages, Gerndar gifted the Hammer to King Thovar. However, Thovar, despite being strong, couldn't wield the Hammer of Gerndar for long periods of time. As a result, Master Morlock, along with Master Äirfax, crafted a magical armor that would adapt to the body of the one wielding the hammer, granting strength and power to its bearer.

The Wizards' War


The Wizards' War
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