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The Wizards' War



In this menu, we will provide all the information from the general appendices related to the entire story of The Wizards' War, as found in the submenus Worlds and Maps, Character Gallery, and Wallpapers. There are some submenus like Ernathurilis, Ernthys, and Dnathirium of worlds that will later have their own exclusive menu, but that will happen further down the line when the story requires it. It is important to clarify so that there are no doubts that the books in THE WIZARDS' WAR series published on the TWW Platform are complete and contain all the important and essential information for the story. However, in order for readers to delve into the minutest details about the events that gave rise to many situations throughout the Eras and Worlds, we have provided such general information in this environment, while the specific details are covered in their respective worlds, such as Anahkólion and Ernt-nador.


In this submenu, the maps of the respective six worlds will be published, starting with Ernt-nador, which is where the story begins at the present moment. Later on, the maps of Anahkólion, Anathurilis, and Ernathurilis will be also posted, in that order. Ernthys will be the fifth map to be published, and Dnathirium will be the last map. The publication dates will be provided in the NEWS & CALENDAR menu.


In the Character Gallery, characters and their characteristics will be posted. The information will be available in the CHARACTER GALLERY submenu and in the NEWS & CALENDAR menu.


The Other Worlds of ERNATHURILIS, ERNTHYS, and DNATHIRIUM will have their menus when the right time in the story arrives.


In the TWW TEAM submenu, the team that is making THE WIZARDS' WAR possible for readers and subscribers will be described.

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