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Anathurilis is considered the Second World for the First Men of the three lineages. The first world is Anahkólion. The reason Anathurilis is considered the Second World is because it was theoretically the second continent to be discovered and colonized by the First Men. Although this information is written in the Annals of Anahkólion, it may not be entirely accurate. There is a possibility that the Second World to be colonized was Ernt-nador, long before it received that name. Despite the divergences, Anathurilis is considered the second world to be colonized by the lineages of Anahkólion. Several lineages attempted to colonize the lands of Anathurilis, but only four kingdoms were successfully established in the East of that world: the kingdom of Osfer, descended from the Second Lineage Nosferac; the kingdom of Vorth, from the Second Lineage of Vortox; the kingdom of Uxor, from the First Lineage of Urhul; and Lorhor, from the Third Lineage of Dailorhor. Descendants representing the Lineages of Thovar, Pólorh, and Oruthor left Anahkólion to settle in the West, Center, and North of Anathurilis. However, mysteriously, all the people who accompanied these lineages were never seen again after leaving Anahkólion. As communication ceased between the descendants and their natural kingdoms, some searches for information were conducted. Unfortunately, this only happened half a Cycle later, which was considered too long by the High Council of Kings - or by Naöhrad. In the search for any sign of life, two of the kingdoms were found. They were unfinished, but the Barons had managed to construct a significant part of their buildings. One was located in the West, bordering the Cliffs of Juhl, and the other in the Center, near the Dark Mountains. The search party composed of the kingdoms of Uxor and Vorth found the structures but did not see either the working Barons or the people of the lineages. They had all disappeared without a trace. This fact caused astonishment, and the prelude to a war began to form, considering that there was already rivalry among lineages, the result of Omnathar's work. Accusations of various kinds erupted in the Council, in the kingdom of Naöhrad. Some claimed that the Third Lineage had taken the lives of the descendants of the First and Second Lineages and their entourages. Others insisted that the lineages may have gone elsewhere or became lost at sea, which did not make much sense. A few skeptics raised the question that it was not the responsibility of the Second and Third Lineages to build kingdoms, even if they were supported by their creators, referring to the gods - a fact that already caused differing opinions among some lineages at that time. One or two had a different thought in mind but deliberated that it was not the right time to speak up. They preferred not to mention their suspicions as it could lead to uncontrollable circumstances. Their thoughts led to a supposed hidden danger in the unknown region that lay in the West and Northeast of Anathurilis. The suspicions were based on the few missives that arrived mentioning the darkness that existed in the Northwestern corner of that world. They also spoke of how no one had the courage to cross the Dark Mountains to find out what lay in that place, and those who had done so in the past never returned. Unbeknownst to them, both were correct. But the evil was still dormant for the worlds. It was close to awakening.

The Wizards' War
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The kingdom of Osfer was founded in the Second Era of Anahkólion by Therder, son of Nosferac, the king of Nosferac, a small kingdom in Anahkólion.



The kingdom of Vorth was founded in the Second Era of Anahkólion by Voliris, from the Second Lineage of Vortox. Voliris was the middle child of Vortox and, being fearless, took charge when other lineages were allowed to build kingdoms in other worlds.


The kingdom of Uxor was founded in Anathurilis at the end of the First Era of Anahkólion by Uxor, the second descendant of the Urhul Lineage. However, Uxor was more ambitious than his father and ended up exploring the world of Anathurilis extensively. Although his father was aware of Uxor's caravans, one of them secretly reached another place.


The kingdom of Lorhor was founded at the end of the First Era of Anahkólion by Lorh, son of Dailorhor, a descendant of the Dailorhor Lineage. It was the first kingdom founded by one of the Third Lineages, which had already caused many problems in Anahkólion. Lorh's departure from Anahkólion was more than timely to avoid a war between the lineages at that delicate moment. However, the war of the lineages eventually broke out later.


The eras and times of Anathurilis go hand in hand with the eras and times of Anahkólion. However, Anathurilis started to be registered approximately eighty cycles after the beginning of counting time. Thus, after Yondar began registering the start of the First Era, that time started to be considered for Anathurilis as well. At the end of this period, before the start of the Second Era, two kingdoms were founded in Anathurilis: the kingdom of Uxor and the kingdom of Vorth. With the Second Era, new expeditions traveled to explore new worlds and some lineages attempted to establish themselves in Anathurilis, but no one else succeeded.


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